Dell laptops

Colin Faber cfaber at
Fri Jul 14 07:06:36 UTC 2006

john at wrote:
>> Colin Faber wrote:
>>> I'm running -CURRENT on a D610 with working crt/lcd Fn switch, bge,
>>> wireless (via ndis), sound, video (including DRM/DRI), est (via
>>> powerd), and Lid switch control.
>>> The only problems I've noticed so far is that when running est with
>>> powerd in adaptive mode, it seems to adjust the cpu timing many times
>>> a second, which has lead to some applications being unstable and or
>>> performing horribly (the most notable would be audio applications,
>>> each time the cpu timing is switch you hear a pause).
> aha! now i get it, the same thing happens with powerd, i notice the
> hiccups when i am listening to something.
> perhaps there is an unutilized hardware callback somewhere that can inform
> powerd/est that the audio device is in use and that it shouldnt toggle the
> cpu.....

Possibly. Digging into this a little bit deeper I've also noticed that 
mplayer will pause when I close the lid. All this does is result in a 
devd callback to a script called Lid in /etc/rc.d that I wrote. This in 
turn issues a simple sysctl when closed and 
=1 when open.

Maybe the ACPI system it self is resulting in the hiccups.

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