cpufreq and changing driver

Bruno Ducrot ducrot at poupinou.org
Wed Nov 30 22:26:00 GMT 2005

On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 01:57:42PM -0800, Nate Lawson wrote:
> Marco Calviani wrote:
> >Hi Bruno,
> >
> >Yes cpufreq is loaded at boot time in /boot/loader.conf .However i
> >don't know how to tell him that i want to load est instead of
> >acpi_perf.
> est is preferred if supported.  But probably est doesn't have a table 
> for his processor so acpi_perf is used.

That's the case for any Dothan IIRC.

> There's nothing wrong with 
> using acpi_perf -- it just gives a BIOS interface to est anyway.


> You can test this with:
> hint.acpi_perf.0.disabled="1"
> This will cause acpi_perf to let est attach.  But I suspect est won't.

est need acpi_perf if a dothan or above is in use...

On the other hand, the linux driver work for the OP, and that's not
acceptable we can't do the same :)

Maybe a link to a 'acpidmp -d -t' may help to see a little deeper?

Marco, could you send to me privately or better provide a link to
this output?


Bruno Ducrot

--  Which is worse:  ignorance or apathy?
--  Don't know.  Don't care.

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