Acer Aspire 3002WLMI - ACPI

Larkine larkine at
Mon Nov 28 10:24:04 GMT 2005

Bruno Ducrot a écrit :

>On Mon, Nov 28, 2005 at 09:08:51AM +0100, Larkine wrote:
>>I have a Aspire 3002WLMI laptop. I got the following page fault after
>>updating my BIOS.
>>I have FreeBSD 6.0 installed. The problem is the same with 5.4.
>>Here is some info:
>>% Bios release %
>>% Here the dmesg: %
>>npx0: INT 16 interface
>>acpi0: <PTLTD   RSDT> on motherboard
>>    ACPI-0438: *** Error: Looking up [Z007] in namespace, AE_NOT_FOUND
>>SearchNode 0xc1499540 StartNode 0xc1499540 ReturnNode 0
>>Timecounters tick every 1.000 msec
>>ad0: 57231MB <IC25N060ATMR04 0 MO3OAD4A> at ata0-master UDMA100
>>Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/ad0s2a
>>WARNING: / was not properly dismounted
>>    ACPI-0438: *** Error: Looking up [Z007] in namespace, AE_NOT_FOUND
>>SearchNode 0xc1499540 StartNode 0xc1499540 ReturnNode 0
>>    ACPI-1304: *** Error: Method execution failed [\\_SB_.BAT1._BST]
>>(Node 0xc1499440), AE_NOT_FOUND
>>    ACPI-0438: *** Error: Looking up [Z007] in namespace, AE_NOT_FOUND
>>SearchNode 0xc1499540 StartNode 0xc1499540 ReturnNode 0
>>    ACPI-1304: *** Error: Method execution failed [\\_SB_.BAT1._BST]
>>(Node 0xc1499440), AE_NOT_FOUND
>It's a well known issue on some Acer laptops.
>I think we could get it without having to overwrite the DSDT, but
>in the meantime you have to:
>apply this patch to you regnier_Aspire3002WLMI.asl,
>--- regnier_Aspire3002WLMI.asl	2005/11/28 09:04:09	1.1
>+++ regnier_Aspire3002WLMI.asl	2005/11/28 09:04:24
>@@ -3061,8 +3061,8 @@
>             Name (PBST, Package (0x04)
>             {
>                 0x00, 
>-                Z007,    
>-                Z007,    
>+                Ones,    
>+                Ones,    
>                 0x2710
>             })
>             Name (ERRC, 0x00)
>Recompile: 'iasl regnier_Aspire3002WLMI.asl',
>you will get a file called 'DSDT.aml'
>Copy DSDT.aml to /boot/DSDT.aml
>then add those lines to /boot/loader.conf
>and you sohuld be able to get some kind of battery information now.
Thank you so much for your quick response. I applied the patch and it
works fine :)

Thank you again  :) 

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