acpi timer issue (was: Re: 6.0 show-stopper?)

Nate Lawson nate at
Thu Nov 3 16:56:43 PST 2005

Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
> On Thursday,  3 November 2005 at 19:40:40 -0500, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
>>On Fri, 2005-11-04 at 11:06 +1030, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
>>>I've spent the week tracing down a strange problem installing on a
>>>brand new Dell Inspiron 6000.  It runs just fine with 5.3-RELEASE and
>>>5.4, and also with Linux 2.6, but with 6.0 and 7-CURRENT it has
>>>serious timekeeping problems.
>>>After a lot of experimentation, this seems to be related to ACPI.
>>>Disabling ACPI "fixes" the problem (I think).  But it doesn't happen
>>>under 5.3 or 5.4, so it should be considered a regression.
>>I have an Inspiron 6000 running recent RELENG_6, and I'm not seeing
>>any problems.  I've had it for a while, and nothing has ever
>>appeared to be wrong on this laptop. 
> Interesting.  Maybe it's related to the BIOS.  Did you do anything out
> of the ordinary to get it to work?  Do you have an on-board wireless
> card?  Mine doesn't get recognized, though it works fine with Linux.
> I'm attaching the dmesg.

Need dmesg with acpi enabled.

Moving to acpi@, a more appropriate forum.


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