Porting code from the Linux ibm-acpi sourceforge package

Martin Cracauer cracauer at cons.org
Tue May 10 11:14:38 PDT 2005

> FreeBSD ATA has supported bus detach since ATAng (whenever that was). I
> have had no problem detaching ATA bus 1 and removing the drive (CD or
> HD) in the bay and replacing it with another or with a battery. Of
> course, it MUST be dismounted before the detach or a panic is to be
> expected.
> Also, if you use a second battery, you must have it in the system at
> boot time or it won't be seen, used, or even charged. If you boot with
> the battery, you can:
> atacontrol detach 1
> remove the battery
> insert a disk drive
> atacontrol attach 1
> use the disk and dismount it.
> atacontrol detach 1
> remove the disk
> insert the battery
> Battery will be seen and used

Thank you!

This works from a detchament/attachment standpoint.

However, after booting with the secondary battery, the battery is seen
and it says "charging", but the charge never goes above 0% (output of
apm(1), not sure how to see than in ACPI).

Any clues?

Martin Cracauer <cracauer at cons.org>   http://www.cons.org/cracauer/
 No warranty.    This email is probably produced by one of my cats 
 stepping on the keys. No, I don't have an infinite number of cats.

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