[powerd] mode adaptive2

Kevin Oberman oberman at es.net
Mon May 9 09:43:54 PDT 2005

> Date: Mon, 9 May 2005 13:07:19 +0200
> From: Bruno Ducrot <ducrot at poupinou.org>
> On Wed, May 04, 2005 at 10:05:50AM -0700, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> > Bruno,
> > 
> > I have posted most of this in the past, but I'll repeat it as you are
> > talking about some of the same things.
> I have seen your posts, and I will take care of them.

OK. I don't mean to annoy you or anyone else. But it's easy to lose
details in the noise, so I tend to repeat, perhaps a bit too often.

> > We need a mechanism (powercontrol?) to talk to the powerd as it is
> > running. Among the things it should be able to do is to set a pseudo min
> > and max speed. for the system.
> Actually I would to add a some more sysctl, especially those:
> dev.cpu.*.freq_min and freq_max which would softlimit the available
> frequencies
> This could be wrapped by a powercontrol (?), but more importantly this
> will limit the max in case of passive cooling.

Yes, sysctls would be a fine way to do this. Looks pretty easy to
implement, too.

> > This would put absolute limits on how
> > fast/slow powerd would ever set the speed. The ability to change this is
> > important as you would likely want this to be different for battery and
> > AC operation, especially at the high end. I want the Gnome CPU Frequency
> > applet to be able to set these. (I assume that KDE has/will have
> > something similar.)
> > 
> > I also want to eliminate poor choices for frequency. As I have noted, on
> > my T30 with a P4m CPU offering ICH Speedstep and TCC I only get useful
> > power reductions when using the lower CPU speed when the frequency
> > selected is below the lower available Speedstep setting. (I only have
> > two, 1.8 and 1.2 GHz.) I also have a problem in that when TCC and
> > Speedstep can provide the same pseudo-frequency at either Speedstep
> > setting, the faster CPU setting is chosen. This "costs" me two
> > settings. If I ever get a few minutes I'll look at adjusting the source
> > to fix this, but I've just been too busy and will likely continue to be
> > for a while. (I think you had previously commented on this problem.)
> Its part of my TODO list..

I am guessing that your TODO list is about as long as mine, so I will
just hope that one of us gets there before too long. I can certainly do
most of this if I get the time. But my code would not be as good as that
of a real C programmer.

I think my first priority is getting cpufreq to use the slowest actual
clock speed when TCC and Speedstep can both provide the same performance
in at different actual clock rates. I think you have already commented
on this issue.

R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: oberman at es.net			Phone: +1 510 486-8634

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