passive cooling and cpufreq

Hajimu UMEMOTO ume at
Fri Jul 15 07:33:18 GMT 2005


>>>>> On Thu, 07 Jul 2005 18:45:56 +0900
>>>>> Hajimu UMEMOTO <ume at> said:

ume> I made my new patch:


I reworked and put my new patch:

ume> It doesn't modify kern_cpu.c.  Instead, I added some code into
ume> powerd(8) to don't try to update frequency when
ume> hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.passive_active is on.

It is not mandatory.  So, I nuked the code around it.

I did following changes from my previous patch:

- It seems ACPI spec says a threshold is _PSV.  So, _PSV is just used
  as a threshold, and hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.passive_threshold was nuked.

- Since we don't need to expose _TC1, _TC2 and _TSP, I nuked related
  sysctl MIBs.

- When cooling down is succeed and a temperature becomes low than a
  threshold, a freq was restored immediately in my previous patch.
  Now, a freq is restored by degrees as ACPI Spec Figure 12-2
  Temperature and CPU Performance Versus Time.

- Now, passive cooling is enabled by default but tz0 only.

If there is no objection, I'll commit it into HEAD.


Hajimu UMEMOTO @ Internet Mutual Aid Society Yokohama, Japan
ume at  ume@{,jp.}

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