can't see nuthin'

John Baldwin jhb at
Tue Jul 12 20:22:57 GMT 2005

On Tuesday 12 July 2005 04:04 pm, KAYVEN RIESE wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Jul 2005, John Baldwin wrote:
> > On Monday 11 July 2005 11:08 pm, KAYVEN RIESE wrote:
> > > i can't see any of my devices with freeBSD 6.0  umm..
> > >
> > > tell me what to tell you because i have no clue.
> >
> > First off, what actual problem are you having?  What do you mean by
> > "can't see any of my devices".  The dmesg you posted shows the kernel
> > detecting lots of devices.
> okay sorry.. i can see my hard drive but i am not sure i can see
> my modem or my wireless modem and right now the biggie is the
> SD card reader.. i thought maybe the complete listing of dmesg
> that i sent but some 'bot i think told me the email was too big..
> would tell you there are lots of problems

Ok, first off, can you provide the output of 'pciconf -l'?  It looks like your 
modem is a PCI device.  If it is a winmodem, then it might not be supported 
(some winmodems do work with some drivers available in ports).  Also, are you 
trying to use a PCMCIA card in your first slot?  Also, what kind of device is 
your SD card reader?  Is it built in or is it some sort of cardbus device, 

John Baldwin <jhb at>  <><
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve"  =

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