Panic on suspend

Ian Dowse iedowse at
Sun Jul 3 00:54:41 GMT 2005

In message <20050302165516.GB674 at>, Filippo Forti writes
>On Tue, Mar 01, 2005 at 03:19:42PM -0800, Nate Lawson wrote:
>> That is in the VGA BIOS.  Try setting this sysctl before suspending:
>> hw.acpi.reset_video=0
>Unfortunately this doesn't make the trick
>Thanks anyway

Did updating to the version 1.49 of vesa.c fix the crash for you?
There is a new patch at:

This needs to be applied on top of version 1.49, and should hopefully
correct the behaviour when the VESA state requires more than 4k of
space. Would you be able to test that this version does not crash
for you on suspend?

I don't fully understand why the previous version was faulting at
0x2000, since that page should have been mapped into the VM86 address
space. However my code was definitely handling the kernel virtual
addresses incorrectly, so maybe that was causing something to be
overwritten. The updated patch allocates a contiguous virtual buffer
and then maps each page into the VM86 address space starting at

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