Resume problem with mouse, 5.3

Anish Mistry mistry.7 at
Mon Jan 24 14:13:40 PST 2005

On Monday 24 January 2005 12:56 pm, Ian Soboroff wrote:
> I'm running 5.3-RELEASE, with a patch to the kernel that lets the
> video suspend properly.  ACPI suspend and resume work fine for me,
> except that my mouse doesn't respond on resume.  I have to 'killall
> -HUP moused' to wake it up.
> Is there a fix for this, or can I at least automate the killall?  I've
> tried creating /etc/rc.suspend and /etc/rc.resume as mentioned in the
> handbook, but they don't seem to get run at all.
> My laptop, if this helps at all, is a Fujitsu P-2110.  In general it
> works great with FreeBSD (and Linux too), ACPI in general works fine
> although I wish the battery would last as long as under APM suspend
> under Linux.  (APM suspend never worked for me in FreeBSD.)
> Sorry if it's a newbie question.
> Ian
I've got this exact same system.  You need to add the following to 
your /boot/device.hints to fix the mouse resume issue:

Also the issue about poor battery life under ACPI S3 suspend (I believe your 
APM terminology is incorrect since APM suspend has good battery life, but 
other stuff breaks) is that certain devices aren't shutdown fully since they 
aren't in the 2110's DSDT and the drivers don't shut them down as the should.  
To get a significantly better battery life you will need to search through 
the archives of this list and look for the acpi_video DPMS patch posted by 
jhb.  This will make things much better, but there are still a few things 
that need to be fixed in the drivers.

Anish Mistry
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