Suspend problem on FreeBSD 5.3-STABLE

Christopher Sean Hilton chris at
Sat Jan 8 15:20:48 PST 2005


I'm having trouble moving to FreeBSD 5.3-STABLE on my laptop. My
problems concern the behaviour of the laptop when suspend/resume is
used. Firstly I'd like to congratulate the FreeBSD team on this
release. It resolves several problems that I had with FreeBSD 4.x on
this hardware so the draw to upgrade to 5-STABLE is very strong.

My problems all circulate around suspend/resume. My laptop is
a Gateway 450ROG with 512Mb and 40Gb of Disk. I'm running 5.3 Stable
cvsuped and built about last week monday. I'm running the GENERIC
kernel and my configuration is fairly vanilla. Firstly what is
definately broken:

     Suspend/resume kills the video display and seems to stop the
     kernel if dri is active under xorg's server. Turning off dri in
     the X configuration makes this problem go away. I plan to retest
     this with XFree86 as I believe that this is an Xorg problem. My
     video Chipset is an ati rage Mobility 7500 and my drm module is

Second, what I haven't been able to completely research:

     The PC card bus dies when on the first suspend resume. There
     seems to be no way to restart it.

The second issue may be a configuration problem. I'm interested in
hearing from anyone who is running 5.3-STABLE on a laptop so I can
gather a list of all the configuration places and write a webpage on

Any help anyone can provide would be appreciated.


     Chris Hilton

Chris Hilton                                 chilton-at-vindaloo-dot-com
                "All I was doing was trying to get home from work!"
                                                 -- Rosa Parks

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