Sony Vaio Z600RE incessant fan

Jeremy Prior jez at
Tue Jan 4 01:51:51 PST 2005


I've recently updated my laptop to a recent version of RELENG_5 and the
fan is now running constantly - it's very annoying! :-)

It's a Sony Vaio Z600RE (a 500MHz Pentium 3 laptop) and was previously
running a version of RELENG_5 from 2004/04/27.  It's now running one
dated 2005/01/02:

        % uname -a
        FreeBSD 5.3-STABLE FreeBSD 5.3-STABLE #3: Sun Jan  2 01:14:59 GMT 2005     root at  i386 
The machine was working fine before, using ACPI, and I can still do
Suspend/Resume (STR only).

My hw.acpi sysctl looks like this:

        hw.acpi.supported_sleep_state: S1 S3 S4 S5
        hw.acpi.power_button_state: S3
        hw.acpi.sleep_button_state: S1
        hw.acpi.lid_switch_state: NONE
        hw.acpi.standby_state: S1
        hw.acpi.suspend_state: S3
        hw.acpi.sleep_delay: 1
        hw.acpi.s4bios: 0
        hw.acpi.verbose: 0
        hw.acpi.reset_video: 1
        hw.acpi.cpu.throttle_max: 8
        hw.acpi.cpu.throttle_state: 8
        hw.acpi.cpu.cx_supported: C1/0 C2/10
        hw.acpi.cpu.cx_lowest: C2
        hw.acpi.cpu.cx_usage: 0.00% 99.99%
        hw.acpi.thermal.min_runtime: 0
        hw.acpi.thermal.polling_rate: 10
        hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature: 70.9C -1
        hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.thermal_flags: 0
        hw.acpi.thermal.tz0._PSV: 84.9C
        hw.acpi.thermal.tz0._HOT: -1
        hw.acpi.thermal.tz0._CRT: 99.9C
        hw.acpi.thermal.tz0._ACx: -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 100
        hw.acpi.battery.time: -1
        hw.acpi.battery.state: 2
        hw.acpi.battery.units: 1
        hw.acpi.battery.info_expire: 5
        hw.acpi.acline: 1
(I've mapped the power switch to S3, otherwise untouched).

The and hw.acpi.thermal.tz0._ACx look

Booting without ACPI causes the fan to revert to normal behaviour (only
on when under load), but causes other components to be mis-detected and
is obviously not a desirable choice.

I've put up the verbose boot.dmesg with/without ACPI at along with a copy of my eprom ASL

I've also tried combinations of the following: 
      * building ACPI as a module (was compiled into kernel) 
      * fixing the one error in the ASL (patch available at above URL) 
      * changing the hw.acpi.osname to "Microsoft Windows NT" 
      * disabling the thermal section using
        debug.acpi.disabled="thermal" and debug.acpi.avoid="\_TZ" in

None of these had any effect.

I did try to upgrade my BIOS, but the version on Sony's site appears to
be older than the one I've got (I'm running R0116Z1, but the website
only has R0114Z1) and the DOS upgrade program refused to do it.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?
      Jeremy Prior  <jez at>
 Netcraft Ltd, Treenwood Ho, Rowden La, Bradford-on-Avon, BA15 2AZ. UK
       Tel: +44-1225-867111 (switchboard)  Fax: +44-8700-517767

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