Please test: ACPI-CA import 20050408

Eric Anderson anderson at
Mon Apr 18 05:30:15 PDT 2005

Nate Lawson wrote:
> Eric Anderson wrote:
>> Mark Santcroos wrote:
>>> On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 03:50:05PM +0200, Christian Brueffer wrote:
>>>> looks like acopcode.h and acnames.h are not included in the patch.
>>> Oops, rusty cvs skills :)
>>> The following files have been added to the diff:
>>> abcompare.c abmain.c acnames.h acopcode.h acpibin.h aecommon.h aeexec.c
>>> aemain.c osunixdir.c
>>> Same location, more fun:
>> I just applied this patch, and everything seems to run ok.
>> Only thing I noticed was that I get pauses now about every 6 seconds.  
>> All my recent dmesg/sysctl/etc output is here:
>> Eric
> Is there any difference in the embedded controller?  You have to boot 
> without -v to see its messages (they scrolled in your output).  Any new 
> warning messages when you get the pause?

I'm not sure at this point - I've booted without -v now (dmesg on the site 
above), and I'll rebuild without the new patches if that's helpful.

More information: I don't see the pause anywhere on bootup, and at the console 
everything seems fine, with no pauses.  However, once I am in X-Windows (using 
Xorg), I then see the pause.  I'll try to start up in no-window manager mode to 
remove that from the mix.


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
A lost ounce of gold may be found, a lost moment of time never.

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