PATCH: power down acpi and pci devices in suspend/resume

Nate Lawson nate at
Mon Nov 29 19:02:37 PST 2004

Kevin Oberman wrote:
> The new patch removed the annoying "bad Vcc request" messages, but
> that's all it improved.  With the new patch I still lose cbb1 and
> anything connected to it. I see no real difference in the log other than
> the disappearance of the Vcc messages, but that is a good thing.
> If I set debug.suspend_power to '0', everything works as it did
> before. All PCI and CardBus devices seem to work fine after resume.

Here's another version of the patch including the acpi_if.m changes, 
sorry for leaving them out.

-------------- next part --------------
Index: sys/dev/acpica/acpi.c
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/dev/acpica/acpi.c,v
retrieving revision 1.193
diff -u -r1.193 acpi.c
--- sys/dev/acpica/acpi.c	13 Oct 2004 07:29:29 -0000	1.193
+++ sys/dev/acpica/acpi.c	30 Nov 2004 02:56:51 -0000
@@ -59,6 +59,10 @@
 #include <dev/acpica/acpiio.h>
 #include <contrib/dev/acpica/acnamesp.h>
+#include "pci_if.h"
+#include <dev/pci/pcivar.h>
+#include <dev/pci/pci_private.h>
 MALLOC_DEFINE(M_ACPIDEV, "acpidev", "ACPI devices");
 /* Hooks for the ACPI CA debugging infrastructure */
@@ -87,10 +91,14 @@
 static void	acpi_identify(driver_t *driver, device_t parent);
 static int	acpi_probe(device_t dev);
 static int	acpi_attach(device_t dev);
+static int	acpi_suspend(device_t dev);
+static int	acpi_resume(device_t dev);
 static int	acpi_shutdown(device_t dev);
 static device_t	acpi_add_child(device_t bus, int order, const char *name,
 			int unit);
 static int	acpi_print_child(device_t bus, device_t child);
+static void	acpi_probe_nomatch(device_t bus, device_t child);
+static void	acpi_driver_added(device_t dev, driver_t *driver);
 static int	acpi_read_ivar(device_t dev, device_t child, int index,
 			uintptr_t *result);
 static int	acpi_write_ivar(device_t dev, device_t child, int index,
@@ -110,10 +118,14 @@
 static ACPI_STATUS acpi_device_eval_obj(device_t bus, device_t dev,
 		    ACPI_STRING pathname, ACPI_OBJECT_LIST *parameters,
 		    ACPI_BUFFER *ret);
+static int	acpi_device_pwr_for_sleep(device_t bus, device_t dev,
+		    int *dstate);
 static ACPI_STATUS acpi_device_scan_cb(ACPI_HANDLE h, UINT32 level,
 		    void *context, void **retval);
 static ACPI_STATUS acpi_device_scan_children(device_t bus, device_t dev,
 		    int max_depth, acpi_scan_cb_t user_fn, void *arg);
+static int	acpi_set_powerstate_method(device_t bus, device_t child,
+		    int state);
 static int	acpi_isa_pnp_probe(device_t bus, device_t child,
 		    struct isa_pnp_id *ids);
 static void	acpi_probe_children(device_t bus);
@@ -145,12 +157,14 @@
     DEVMETHOD(device_attach,		acpi_attach),
     DEVMETHOD(device_shutdown,		acpi_shutdown),
     DEVMETHOD(device_detach,		bus_generic_detach),
-    DEVMETHOD(device_suspend,		bus_generic_suspend),
-    DEVMETHOD(device_resume,		bus_generic_resume),
+    DEVMETHOD(device_suspend,		acpi_suspend),
+    DEVMETHOD(device_resume,		acpi_resume),
     /* Bus interface */
     DEVMETHOD(bus_add_child,		acpi_add_child),
     DEVMETHOD(bus_print_child,		acpi_print_child),
+    DEVMETHOD(bus_probe_nomatch,	acpi_probe_nomatch),
+    DEVMETHOD(bus_driver_added,		acpi_driver_added),
     DEVMETHOD(bus_read_ivar,		acpi_read_ivar),
     DEVMETHOD(bus_write_ivar,		acpi_write_ivar),
     DEVMETHOD(bus_get_resource_list,	acpi_get_rlist),
@@ -160,7 +174,6 @@
     DEVMETHOD(bus_release_resource,	acpi_release_resource),
     DEVMETHOD(bus_child_pnpinfo_str,	acpi_child_pnpinfo_str_method),
     DEVMETHOD(bus_child_location_str,	acpi_child_location_str_method),
-    DEVMETHOD(bus_driver_added,		bus_generic_driver_added),
     DEVMETHOD(bus_activate_resource,	bus_generic_activate_resource),
     DEVMETHOD(bus_deactivate_resource,	bus_generic_deactivate_resource),
     DEVMETHOD(bus_setup_intr,		bus_generic_setup_intr),
@@ -169,8 +182,12 @@
     /* ACPI bus */
     DEVMETHOD(acpi_id_probe,		acpi_device_id_probe),
     DEVMETHOD(acpi_evaluate_object,	acpi_device_eval_obj),
+    DEVMETHOD(acpi_pwr_for_sleep,	acpi_device_pwr_for_sleep),
     DEVMETHOD(acpi_scan_children,	acpi_device_scan_children),
+    /* PCI emulation */
+    DEVMETHOD(pci_set_powerstate,	acpi_set_powerstate_method),
     /* ISA emulation */
     DEVMETHOD(isa_pnp_probe,		acpi_isa_pnp_probe),
@@ -212,6 +229,12 @@
 static int acpi_serialize_methods;
 TUNABLE_INT("hw.acpi.serialize_methods", &acpi_serialize_methods);
+/* Power devices off and on in suspend and resume.  XXX Remove once tested. */
+static int acpi_do_powerstate = 1;
+TUNABLE_INT("debug.acpi.do_powerstate", &acpi_do_powerstate);
+SYSCTL_INT(_debug_acpi, OID_AUTO, do_powerstate, CTLFLAG_RW,
+    &acpi_do_powerstate, 1, "Turn off devices when suspending.");
  * ACPI can only be loaded as a module by the loader; activating it after
  * system bootstrap time is not useful, and can be fatal to the system.
@@ -570,6 +593,72 @@
 static int
+acpi_suspend(device_t dev)
+    struct acpi_softc *sc;
+    device_t child, *devlist;
+    int error, i, numdevs, pstate;
+    /* First give child devices a chance to suspend. */
+    error = bus_generic_suspend(dev);
+    if (error)
+	return (error);
+    /*
+     * Now, set them into the appropriate power state, usually D3.  If the
+     * device has an _SxD method for the next sleep state, use that power
+     * state instead.
+     */
+    sc = device_get_softc(dev);
+    device_get_children(dev, &devlist, &numdevs);
+    for (i = 0; i < numdevs; i++) {
+	/* If the device is not attached, we've powered it down elsewhere. */
+	child = devlist[i];
+	if (!device_is_attached(child))
+	    continue;
+	/*
+	 * Default to D3 for all sleep states.  The _SxD method is optional
+	 * so set the powerstate even if it's absent.
+	 */
+	pstate = PCI_POWERSTATE_D3;
+	error = acpi_device_pwr_for_sleep(device_get_parent(child),
+	    child, &pstate);
+	if ((error == 0 || error == ESRCH) && acpi_do_powerstate)
+	    pci_set_powerstate(child, pstate);
+    }
+    free(devlist, M_TEMP);
+    error = 0;
+    return (error);
+static int
+acpi_resume(device_t dev)
+    ACPI_HANDLE handle;
+    int i, numdevs;
+    device_t child, *devlist;
+    /*
+     * Put all devices in D0 before resuming them.  Call _S0D on each one
+     * since some systems expect this.
+     */
+    device_get_children(dev, &devlist, &numdevs);
+    for (i = 0; i < numdevs; i++) {
+	child = devlist[i];
+	handle = acpi_get_handle(child);
+	if (handle)
+	    AcpiEvaluateObject(handle, "_S0D", NULL, NULL);
+	if (device_is_attached(child) && acpi_do_powerstate)
+	    pci_set_powerstate(child, PCI_POWERSTATE_D0);
+    }
+    free(devlist, M_TEMP);
+    return (bus_generic_resume(dev));
+static int
 acpi_shutdown(device_t dev)
@@ -624,6 +713,45 @@
     return (retval);
+ * If this device is an ACPI child but no one claimed it, attempt
+ * to power it off.  We'll power it back up when a driver is added.
+ *
+ * XXX Disabled for now since many necessary devices (like fdc and
+ * ATA) don't claim the devices we created for them but still expect
+ * them to be powered up.
+ */
+static void
+acpi_probe_nomatch(device_t bus, device_t child)
+    /* pci_set_powerstate(child, PCI_POWERSTATE_D3); */
+ * If a new driver has a chance to probe a child, first power it up.
+ *
+ * XXX Disabled for now (see acpi_probe_nomatch for details).
+ */
+static void
+acpi_driver_added(device_t dev, driver_t *driver)
+    device_t child, *devlist;
+    int i, numdevs;
+    DEVICE_IDENTIFY(driver, dev);
+    device_get_children(dev, &devlist, &numdevs);
+    for (i = 0; i < numdevs; i++) {
+	child = devlist[i];
+	if (device_get_state(child) == DS_NOTPRESENT) {
+	    /* pci_set_powerstate(child, PCI_POWERSTATE_D0); */
+	    if (device_probe_and_attach(child) != 0)
+		; /* pci_set_powerstate(child, PCI_POWERSTATE_D3); */
+	}
+    }
+    free(devlist, M_TEMP);
 /* Location hint for devctl(8) */
 static int
 acpi_child_location_str_method(device_t cbdev, device_t child, char *buf,
@@ -1064,6 +1192,57 @@
     return (AcpiEvaluateObject(h, pathname, parameters, ret));
+static int
+acpi_device_pwr_for_sleep(device_t bus, device_t dev, int *dstate)
+    struct acpi_softc *sc;
+    ACPI_HANDLE handle;
+    ACPI_STATUS status;
+    char sxd[8];
+    int error;
+    sc = device_get_softc(bus);
+    handle = acpi_get_handle(dev);
+    /*
+     * XXX If we find these devices, don't try to power them down.
+     * The serial and IRDA ports on my T23 hang the system when
+     * set to D3 and it appears that such legacy devices may
+     * need special handling in their drivers.
+     */
+    if (handle == NULL ||
+	acpi_MatchHid(handle, "PNP0500") ||
+	acpi_MatchHid(handle, "PNP0501") ||
+	acpi_MatchHid(handle, "PNP0502") ||
+	acpi_MatchHid(handle, "PNP0510") ||
+	acpi_MatchHid(handle, "PNP0511"))
+	return (ENXIO);
+    /*
+     * Override next state with the value from _SxD, if present.  If no
+     * dstate argument was provided, don't fetch the return value.
+     */
+    snprintf(sxd, sizeof(sxd), "_S%dD", sc->acpi_sstate);
+    if (dstate)
+	status = acpi_GetInteger(handle, sxd, dstate);
+    else
+	status = AcpiEvaluateObject(handle, sxd, NULL, NULL);
+    switch (status) {
+    case AE_OK:
+	error = 0;
+	break;
+    case AE_NOT_FOUND:
+	error = ESRCH;
+	break;
+    default:
+	error = ENXIO;
+	break;
+    }
+    return (error);
 /* Callback arg for our implementation of walking the namespace. */
 struct acpi_device_scan_ctx {
     acpi_scan_cb_t	user_fn;
@@ -1138,6 +1317,34 @@
 	acpi_device_scan_cb, &ctx, NULL));
+ * Even though ACPI devices are not PCI, we use the PCI approach for setting
+ * device power states since it's close enough to ACPI.
+ */
+static int
+acpi_set_powerstate_method(device_t bus, device_t child, int state)
+    ACPI_STATUS status;
+    int error;
+    error = 0;
+    h = acpi_get_handle(child);
+    if (state < ACPI_STATE_D0 || state > ACPI_STATE_D3)
+	return (EINVAL);
+    if (h == NULL)
+	return (0);
+    /* Ignore errors if the power methods aren't present. */
+    status = acpi_pwr_switch_consumer(h, state);
+    if (ACPI_FAILURE(status) && status != AE_NOT_FOUND
+	&& status != AE_BAD_PARAMETER)
+	device_printf(bus, "failed to set ACPI power state D%d on %s: %s\n",
+	    state, acpi_name(h), AcpiFormatException(status));
+    return (error);
 static int
 acpi_isa_pnp_probe(device_t bus, device_t child, struct isa_pnp_id *ids)
Index: sys/dev/acpica/acpi_if.m
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/dev/acpica/acpi_if.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 acpi_if.m
--- sys/dev/acpica/acpi_if.m	15 Jul 2004 16:29:08 -0000	1.2
+++ sys/dev/acpica/acpi_if.m	20 Nov 2004 03:12:35 -0000
@@ -109,6 +109,26 @@
+# Get the highest power state (D0-D3) that is usable for a device when
+# suspending/resuming.  If a bus calls this when suspending a device, it
+# must also call it when resuming.
+# device_t bus:  parent bus for the device
+# device_t dev:  check this device's appropriate power state
+# int *dstate:  if successful, contains the highest valid sleep state
+# Returns:  0 on success, ESRCH if device has no special state, or
+#   some other error value.
+METHOD int pwr_for_sleep {
+	device_t	bus;
+	device_t	dev;
+	int		*dstate;
 # Rescan a subtree and optionally reattach devices to handles.  Users
 # specify a callback that is called for each ACPI_HANDLE of type Device
 # that is a child of "dev".
Index: sys/dev/pci/pci.c
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/dev/pci/pci.c,v
retrieving revision 1.268
diff -u -r1.268 pci.c
--- sys/dev/pci/pci.c	10 Nov 2004 00:41:39 -0000	1.268
+++ sys/dev/pci/pci.c	29 Nov 2004 18:46:49 -0000
@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@
 #include "pcib_if.h"
 #include "pci_if.h"
+#include <contrib/dev/acpica/acpi.h>
+#include <dev/acpica/acpivar.h>
+#include "acpi_if.h"
 static uint32_t		pci_mapbase(unsigned mapreg);
 static int		pci_maptype(unsigned mapreg);
 static int		pci_mapsize(unsigned testval);
@@ -169,7 +173,7 @@
 SYSCTL_NODE(_hw, OID_AUTO, pci, CTLFLAG_RD, 0, "PCI bus tuning parameters");
 static int pci_enable_io_modes = 1;
-TUNABLE_INT("hw.pci.enable_io_modes", (int *)&pci_enable_io_modes);
+TUNABLE_INT("hw.pci.enable_io_modes", &pci_enable_io_modes);
 SYSCTL_INT(_hw_pci, OID_AUTO, enable_io_modes, CTLFLAG_RW,
     &pci_enable_io_modes, 1,
     "Enable I/O and memory bits in the config register.  Some BIOSes do not\n\
@@ -177,7 +181,7 @@
 are some peripherals that this causes problems with.");
 static int pci_do_powerstate = 1;
-TUNABLE_INT("hw.pci.do_powerstate", (int *)&pci_do_powerstate);
+TUNABLE_INT("hw.pci.do_powerstate", &pci_do_powerstate);
 SYSCTL_INT(_hw_pci, OID_AUTO, do_powerstate, CTLFLAG_RW,
     &pci_do_powerstate, 1,
     "Power down devices into D3 state when no driver attaches to them.\n\
@@ -1016,43 +1020,78 @@
 pci_suspend(device_t dev)
-	int numdevs;
-	device_t *devlist;
-	device_t child;
+	int dstate, error, i, numdevs;
+	device_t acpi_dev, child, *devlist;
 	struct pci_devinfo *dinfo;
-	int i;
-	 * Save the pci configuration space for each child.  We don't need
-	 * to do this, unless the BIOS suspend code powers down the bus and
-	 * the devices on the bus.
+	 * Save the PCI configuration space for each child and set the
+	 * device in the appropriate power state for this sleep state.
+	acpi_dev = NULL;
+	if (pci_do_powerstate)
+		acpi_dev = devclass_get_device(devclass_find("acpi"), 0);
 	device_get_children(dev, &devlist, &numdevs);
 	for (i = 0; i < numdevs; i++) {
 		child = devlist[i];
 		dinfo = (struct pci_devinfo *) device_get_ivars(child);
 		pci_cfg_save(child, dinfo, 0);
+	/* Suspend devices before potentially powering them down. */
+	error = bus_generic_suspend(dev);
+	if (error)
+		return (error);
+	/*
+	 * Always set the device to D3.  If ACPI suggests a different
+	 * power state, use it instead.  If ACPI is not present, the
+	 * firmware is responsible for managing device power.  Skip
+	 * children who aren't attached since they are powered down
+	 * separately.  Only manage type 0 devices for now.
+	 */
+	for (i = 0; acpi_dev && i < numdevs; i++) {
+		child = devlist[i];
+		dinfo = (struct pci_devinfo *) device_get_ivars(child);
+		if (device_is_attached(child) && dinfo->cfg.hdrtype == 0) {
+			dstate = PCI_POWERSTATE_D3;
+			ACPI_PWR_FOR_SLEEP(acpi_dev, child, &dstate);
+			pci_set_powerstate(child, dstate);
+		}
+	}
 	free(devlist, M_TEMP);
-	return (bus_generic_suspend(dev));
+	return (0);
 pci_resume(device_t dev)
-	int numdevs;
-	device_t *devlist;
-	device_t child;
+	int i, numdevs;
+	device_t acpi_dev, child, *devlist;
 	struct pci_devinfo *dinfo;
-	int i;
-	 * Restore the pci configuration space for each child.
+	 * Set each child to D0 and restore its PCI configuration space.
+	acpi_dev = NULL;
+	if (pci_do_powerstate)
+		acpi_dev = devclass_get_device(devclass_find("acpi"), 0);
 	device_get_children(dev, &devlist, &numdevs);
 	for (i = 0; i < numdevs; i++) {
+		/*
+		 * Notify ACPI we're going to D0 but ignore the result.  If
+		 * ACPI is not present, the firmware is responsible for
+		 * managing device power.  Only manage type 0 devices for now.
+		 */
 		child = devlist[i];
 		dinfo = (struct pci_devinfo *) device_get_ivars(child);
+		if (acpi_dev && device_is_attached(child) &&
+		    dinfo->cfg.hdrtype == 0) {
+			ACPI_PWR_FOR_SLEEP(acpi_dev, child, NULL);
+			pci_set_powerstate(child, PCI_POWERSTATE_D0);
+		}
+		/* Now the device is powered up, restore its config space. */
 		pci_cfg_restore(child, dinfo);
 	free(devlist, M_TEMP);

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