Thinkpad 600x ACPI issues with Linksys PCM100

Nate Lawson nate at
Wed Nov 24 15:56:20 PST 2004

Richard Schilling wrote:
> Discovered some issues when trying to run the Thinkpad 600x with a 
> PCM100 PCMCIA network card.  Disabling ACPI completely is the only 
> workaround I can come up with so far.
> The laptop (battery?) gets hot.  I get temperature warnings.  When 
> running the laptop with a PCM 200 PCMCIA network card I get the same.
> Interrupts don't seem to be handled well.  The PCM100 driver (ed0) 
> reports a device timeout.  The lights turn on and the interface is 
> recognized though.
> Attached is a copy of my dmesg -a output, and the output from acpidump -t.
> FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE #0: Wed Nov 24 02:10:02 GMT 2004
>     root@:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/COGNITION

Please try 5.3-RELEASE instead.


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