[PATCH] Please test: new ACPI release (20041105) import

Kevin Oberman oberman at es.net
Wed Nov 17 13:19:45 PST 2004

> Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 12:14:15 -0800
> From: Nate Lawson <nate at root.org>
> Sender: owner-freebsd-acpi at freebsd.org
> Søren Schmidt wrote:
> > There are nasties in the bat stuff, I have to comment out various parts 
> > of it to get the ASUS to boot at all :(
> > 
> > <soapbox>
> > This brings up the question: do we have a maintainer for ACPI and why 
> > arent these issues being dealt with ? I for one have reported these 
> > issue for ages including as much debug as is possible, but it seems to 
> > be silently ignored (and yes 5.3-RELEASE is just as broken)...
> > </soapbox>
> cvs logs will show who is active in each area of acpi.  I'm sure that's 
> a rhetorical question though.
> As for your particular problems, the battery issue may be related to 
> your system not operating according to the locking model.  I fixed one 
> thermal problem for brooks@ where his ASL generated notifies every time 
> we read the temperature and the notify handler read the temperature.  It 
> may be something similar.  Send me the ASL and I'll take a look.  The 
> suspend/resume issue has not been isolated but you can start by checking 
> where it gets with a serial console attached (if it gets that far) or by 
> putting some beep code in the resume handler to see if it even gets 
> called (Warner has the patch in his tree, it may make sense to commit it 
> under some option to help with debugging.)
> I'd love it if more people would help with debugging.  I'm sure you can 
> relate to maintaining a subsystem where behavior is widely divergent 
> even among the same model device, OEM bugs are rampant and undocumented, 
> and you don't have access to a system that can repeat the behavior that 
> the submitter is reporting.
> As donations@ shows, I'm willing to accept problem laptops on loan or 
> for donation.  Currently, I own an IBM R32, T23, Sony PCG-F390, and Abit 
> SMP.  All work correctly including suspend/resume to RAM for the laptops.


Does the sound work properly on the R32 and T23 after S3 resume? I
suspect the problem with my system is limited to very few models, maybe
just the T30 and R40. It only shows up in that sound plays too fast (at
the raw device rate rather then the programmed rate).

I do suspect that this is a PCI power issue and not an ACPI issue, but
I'd like to know if it shows up on more models. It is most obvious when
playing a stream as the buffers keep emptying and the sound stops after
a short time. Music is clearly too fast and high pitched, but at 10%
overspeed, some may not notice. (Does Dr. Dre sound much different 10%
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail: oberman at es.net			Phone: +1 510 486-8634

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