hp ze4560 thermal problem
Nate Lawson
nate at root.org
Tue Jun 22 22:51:50 GMT 2004
On Thu, 17 Jun 2004, Dan Cojocar wrote:
> I made some progress on my one, finaly i can change
> hw.acpi.thermal.tz0.active.
> My asl contains in EC0 section: in Field (ERAM, ByteAcc,
> Lock, Preserve): FAN, 1 and FANL, 16
> I made some search on web and found that FANL is FAN Low, but i'm
> not sure :(.
> Can somebody explain me this, and what represents 16 there, or
> maybe point me to some documentation.
You'll have to look at the ACPI spec if you want to decode the field
values. In this case, the numbers are field widths and mean FAN is 1 bit,
FANL is 16 bits wide. The spec won't tell you what FAN or FANL mean but
you can sometimes figure it out from the surrounding AML. I looked at a
similar ASL dump and it appears the FAN and FANL values aren't referenced
elsewhere. So your fan control needs to be done by something other than
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