apm problem

M. Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Wed Jun 16 20:54:41 GMT 2004

In message: <20040616213946.6f7def3d.liamfoy at sepulcrum.org>
            Liam Foy <liamfoy at sepulcrum.org> writes:
: > +#define APM_UNKNOWN 0xff		/* Unknown in APM BIOS spec */
: Do you not mean 0xffffffff ?

No.  0xff is the right number here.  The problem is that there's a
number of different flag values, some which come directly from the APM
BIOS, and others that are generated by the drivers.

: I agree with the ai_infoversion change above, and from your other
: mail about changing the number of batteries from 0 to -1. Has nate
: gave any feedback ?

Not yet.  He's recovering from a massive disk crash right now.

: I have also made some recent changes which have been commited which
: have changed the structure of the apm code. I am willing to change
: the code from >= 255 to == APM_UNKNOWN if it is decided this is what
: the correct way and it is agreeded upon.

I have the changes in my tree, and will work with Nate to get the
right stuff committed.  At the very least the 255's should be changed
to a meaningful constant.


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