Success report: 5.2 CURRENT on a IBM R51 1830

Oliver B. Fischer plexus at
Wed Jun 2 14:07:04 PDT 2004

Kevin Oberman wrote:

> 1. What version of FreeBSD (cvsup time if CURRENT)? Your sysctl output
>    indicates that if MAY be a few days old.

My last cvs up is about one week ago.

> 2. Does sound work correctly after S3? Try playing something with xmms
>    or totem whatever player as long as it's got a time display and see
>    if the clock advances one minute in one minute or in something like
>    55 seconds. Does the sound seem a bit high pitched?

Yes, sound works also after S3.

> Just curious about what you are seeing vs. what I am seeing. For me and
> my T30, everything seems to be working except the sound problem

I guess, that the ACPI part of my BIOS has been improved.


Oliver Fischer

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