git: 28482babd08a - main - arm64: Use new arm_kernel_boothdr script for generating booti images.

Michal Meloun mmel at
Wed Dec 30 12:57:34 UTC 2020

The branch main has been updated by mmel:


commit 28482babd08afdee79a6d42bd4f54d57f176dc8a
Author:     Michal Meloun <mmel at>
AuthorDate: 2020-12-25 18:48:33 +0000
Commit:     Michal Meloun <mmel at>
CommitDate: 2020-12-30 12:56:11 +0000

    arm64: Use new arm_kernel_boothdr script for generating booti images.
 sys/arm64/arm64/locore.S | 31 -------------------------------
 sys/conf/Makefile.arm64  | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sys/arm64/arm64/locore.S b/sys/arm64/arm64/locore.S
index 3e7ea7b44b70..c62a2a5bd626 100644
--- a/sys/arm64/arm64/locore.S
+++ b/sys/arm64/arm64/locore.S
@@ -43,22 +43,6 @@
 	.globl	kernbase
 	.set	kernbase, KERNBASE
-/* U-Boot booti related constants. */
-#if defined(LINUX_BOOT_ABI)
-#define	UBOOT_IMAGE_OFFSET	0		/* Image offset from start of */
-#endif						/*  2 MiB page */
-#ifndef UBOOT_IMAGE_SIZE			/* Total size of image */
-#define	UBOOT_IMAGE_SIZE	 _end - _start
-#define	UBOOT_IMAGE_FLAGS	0		/* LE kernel, unspecified */
-#endif						/*  page size */
-#endif /* defined(LINUX_BOOT_ABI) */
  * We assume:
  *  MMU      on with an identity map, or off
@@ -68,21 +52,6 @@
-#if defined(LINUX_BOOT_ABI)
-	/* U-boot image header */
-	b	1f			/* code 0 */
-	.long	0			/* code 1 */
-	.quad	UBOOT_IMAGE_OFFSET	/* Image offset in 2 MiB page, LE */
-	.quad	UBOOT_IMAGE_SIZE	/* Image size, LE */
-	.quad	UBOOT_IMAGE_FLAGS	/* Flags for kernel. LE */
-	.quad 	0			/* Reserved */
-	.quad 	0			/* Reserved */
-	.quad 	0			/* Reserved */
-	.long 	0x644d5241		/* Magic  "ARM\x64", LE */
-	.long 	0			/* Reserved for PE COFF offset*/
-#endif /* defined(LINUX_BOOT_ABI) */
 	/* Drop to EL1 */
 	bl	drop_to_el1
diff --git a/sys/conf/Makefile.arm64 b/sys/conf/Makefile.arm64
index 057f4feb3d38..1f5760021f3e 100644
--- a/sys/conf/Makefile.arm64
+++ b/sys/conf/Makefile.arm64
@@ -40,25 +40,11 @@ SYSTEM_LD= \
 	    --strip-symbol='$$[adtx]*' \
-# Generate the .bin (no elf headers) kernel as an extra build output.
-# We must relink to generate the .bin kernel, because without headers the
-# location of everything changes.  We also strip the ARM marker symbols.
+# Generate the .bin (booti images) kernel as an extra build output.
+# The targets and rules to generate these appear near the end of the file.
-${KERNEL_KO}.bin: ${SYSTEM_DEP} vers.o
-	@echo "linking ${.TARGET}"
-	    --defsym='text_start=kernbase' \
-	    -o ${.TARGET} ${SYSTEM_OBJS} vers.o
-	${SIZE} ${.TARGET}
-	@${OBJCOPY} \
-	    --wildcard \
-	    --strip-symbol='$$[adtx]*' \
-	    --output-target=binary \
-	    ${.TARGET}
-	@chmod 755 ${.TARGET}
 .if !empty(DDB_ENABLED)
 CFLAGS += -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer
@@ -79,3 +65,21 @@ CLEAN+=	${KERNEL_KO}.bin
 .include "$S/conf/"
+# Create a kernel.bin file...
+# Copy the kernel to u-boot's booti image format (the elf headers are
+# stripped and a custom binary head blob is prepended), saving the
+# output in a temp file.  We also strip arm "marker" symbols which are
+# used only by elf toolchains.  Read the symbols from kernel.full and pass
+# them to arm_kernel_boothdr.awk, which generates a binary header blob
+# that goes on the front of the stripped kernel.  Cat the header blob
+# and the temp file together to make the kernel.bin file.
+	@${OBJCOPY} --wildcard --strip-symbol='$$[adtx]*' \
+	    --output-target=binary ${.ALLSRC} ${.TARGET}.temp
+	@{ readelf -s ${.ALLSRC} | \
+	    ${AWK} -f $S/tools/arm_kernel_boothdr.awk -v hdrtype=v8booti && \
+	    cat ${.TARGET}.temp; \
+	 } > ${.TARGET}
+	@rm ${.TARGET}.temp
+	@echo "created ${.TARGET} from ${.ALLSRC}"

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