git: 6190ff6104ae - main - tcsh: cleanup source tree to reduce diff size.

Dmitry Chagin dchagin at
Wed May 19 21:30:41 UTC 2021

The branch main has been updated by dchagin:


commit 6190ff6104aed4cd753019325a252c4d66495b5e
Author:     Dmitry Chagin <dchagin at>
AuthorDate: 2021-05-19 21:08:25 +0000
Commit:     Dmitry Chagin <dchagin at>
CommitDate: 2021-05-19 21:08:25 +0000

    tcsh: cleanup source tree to reduce diff size.
    Remove makefiles, configure files and unused at build time files
    to reduce the diff size. Otherwise the diff contains a lot of
    unnecessary lines what makes reviewing and merging proccess so hard,
    especially for re at .
    MFC after:      2 weeks
 contrib/tcsh/FREEBSD-Xlist  |   15 +
 contrib/tcsh/Imakefile      |  631 ---
 contrib/tcsh/MAKEDIFFS      |   40 -
 contrib/tcsh/MAKESHAR       |  120 -
 contrib/tcsh/Makefile.ADMIN |   24 -
 contrib/tcsh/    |  782 ----
 contrib/tcsh/Makefile.std   |  630 ---
 contrib/tcsh/Makefile.vms   |  592 ---
 contrib/tcsh/config.guess   | 1438 -------
 contrib/tcsh/    |  275 --
 contrib/tcsh/config.rpath   |  571 ---
 contrib/tcsh/config.sub     | 1788 ---------
 contrib/tcsh/configure      | 8842 -------------------------------------------
 contrib/tcsh/imake.config   |   63 -
 contrib/tcsh/install-sh     |  520 ---
 contrib/tcsh/svn            |   32 -
 16 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 16348 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/tcsh/FREEBSD-Xlist b/contrib/tcsh/FREEBSD-Xlist
index b6e5636aa567..49621ab36f0f 100644
--- a/contrib/tcsh/FREEBSD-Xlist
+++ b/contrib/tcsh/FREEBSD-Xlist
@@ -1,5 +1,20 @@
diff --git a/contrib/tcsh/Imakefile b/contrib/tcsh/Imakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index bd1b43b1a24e..000000000000
--- a/contrib/tcsh/Imakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,631 +0,0 @@
-XCOMM Imakefile for tcsh 6.12
-XCOMM Marc Horowitz, MIT SIPB
-#ifdef DestDir
-#undef DestDir
-#ifdef ManSuffix
-#undef ManSuffix
-/* All config options go in a separate file. */
-#include "imake.config"
-#ifndef HasGcc
-# define HasGcc 0
-#ifndef HasGcc2
-# define HasGcc2 0
-/* This is a giant conditional block.  It should be set up right for
-platforms which are in here, but it may need to be changed for new
-ones.  Please send in your fixes and additions! */
-/**** tcsh configuration defines ****/
-/* specific platforms */
-#ifndef ConfigH
-# ifdef UltrixArchitecture
-#  define ConfigH ultrix
-# endif
-# ifdef UxpArchitecture
-#  define ConfigH sysv4
-# endif
-# if defined(LinuxArchitecture) || defined(GNUArchitecture)
-#  define ConfigH linux
-# endif
-# ifdef AlphaArchitecture
-#  if !defined(LinuxArchitecture) && !defined(GNUArchitecture)
-#    define ConfigH decosf1
-#  endif
-#  if !HasGcc
-#   define MyCflags -std1 -Olimit 2000
-#  else
-#   define NoCombineRegs
-#  endif
-# endif
-# if defined(VaxArchitecture) && !defined(UltrixArchitecture)
-#  define ConfigH bsd
-# endif
-# ifdef NeXTArchitecture
-#  define ConfigH mach
-# endif
-# if defined(SunArchitecture)
-#  if (OSMajorVersion == 3)
-#   define ConfigH sunos35
-#  else
-#   if (OSMajorVersion == 4)
-#    if (OSMinorVersion == 0)
-#     define ConfigH sunos40
-#    else /* OSMinorVersion == 1 */
-#     if (OSTeenyVersion == 3)
-#      define ConfigH sunos413
-#     else /* OsTeenyVersion in [0,1,2] */
-#      define ConfigH sunos41
-#     endif
-#    endif
-#    define NoCombineRegs
-#   else /* OSMajorVersion == 5 */
-#    if (OSMinorVersion < 3)
-#     if (OSMinorVersion < 2)
-#      define ConfigH sol2
-#     else
-#      define ConfigH sol22
-#     endif
-#    else
-#     if (OSMinorVersion < 4)
-#      define ConfigH sol23
-#     else
-#      if (OSMinorVersion < 6)
-#       define ConfigH sol24
-#      else
-#       if (OSMinorVersion < 9)
-#        define ConfigH sol26
-#       else
-#        define ConfigH sol29
-#       endif
-#      endif
-#     endif
-#    endif
-#    define NoCombineRegs
-#   endif
-#  endif
-# endif
-# ifdef HPArchitecture
-/* For some stupid reason makedepend on HP requires this */
-#  if (OSMajorVersion >= 8)
-#   define ConfigH hpux8
-#  else
-#   define ConfigH hpux7
-#  endif
-# endif
-# ifdef CrayArchitecture
-#  define ConfigH cray
-# endif
-# ifdef SGIArchitecture
-#   define ConfigH irix
-#   define UseLibBSD
-#  if (OSMajorVersion < 5)
-#   ifdef you_are_using_yp
-#    define UseSunLib 
-#   endif
-#   if !HasGCC
-#    define MyStdc -D__STDC__
-#    if SGICompilerMajorVersion < 4
-CCOPTIONS=-float	# We don't want -cckr and -prototypes
-#    endif
-#   endif
-#  endif
-#  if (OSMajorVersion == 6)
-#   if (OSMinorVersion >= 2)
-#    undef UseLibBSD
-#    define ConfigH irix62
-#   endif
-#  endif
-# endif
-# ifdef IBMArchitecture
-#  undef UseLibBSD
-#  if (SystemV == YES)
-#   define ConfigH aix
-#   if OSMajorVersion < 3 
-#    if OSMinorVersion < 2
-#     define UseLibBSD
-#    endif
-#   endif
-#  else
-#   define ConfigH bsd
-#   define AOSArchitecture
-#  endif
-# endif
-#ifdef AOSArchitecture
-#define MyStdc -U__STDC__
-# if defined(MipsBsdArchitecture) || defined(MipsSysvArchitecture)
-#  define ConfigH mips
-# endif
-# ifdef DguxArchitecture
-#  define ConfigH dgux
-# endif
-# ifdef ConvexArchitecture
-#  define ConfigH convex
-# endif
-# if defined(SQNTArchitecture) || defined(SequentArchitecture)
-#  define ConfigH sequent
-# endif
-# ifdef MacIIArchitecture
-#  define ConfigH mac2
-# endif
-# ifdef MinixArchitecture
-/* Maybe conditional on MACH? */
-SYSSRCS=mi.termios.c mi.wait.h mi.varargs.h
-EXTF=ma.setp.c vms.termcap.c
-# else
-/* Maybe conditional on MACH? */
-EXTF=mi.termios.c mi.wait.h mi.varargs.h vms.termcap.c
-# endif
-# ifdef i386Isc
-#  if IscVersion != 202
-#   define ConfigH isc
-#   define UseLibCposix
-#  else
-#   define ConfigH isc202
-#  endif
-# endif /* i386Isc */
-# ifdef OpenBSDArchitecture
-#  define ConfigH bsd4.4
-# endif /* OpenBsdArchitecture */
-# ifdef NetBSDArchitecture
-#  define ConfigH bsd4.4
-# endif /* NetBsdArchitecture */
-# ifdef FreeBSDArchitecture
-#  define ConfigH bsd4.4
-# endif /* FreeBsdArchitecture */
-# ifdef MidnightBSDArchitecture
-#  define ConfigH bsd4.4
-# endif /* MidnightBsdArchitecture */
-# ifdef i386SVR4Architecture
-#  define ConfigH sysv4
-#  ifdef DELL
-#   define NoCombineRegs
-#  endif
-# endif
-#endif /* !ConfigH */
-/* generic os's */
-#ifndef ConfigH
-#if (SystemV == YES)
-#define ConfigH sysv3
-/* why this as a default?  Why not? */
-#define ConfigH bsd
-#endif /* !ConfigH */
-/**** libraries ****/
-#if (SystemV == NO) || defined(HPArchitecture) || \
-	defined(SQNTArchitecture) || defined(SequentArchitecture) || \
-	defined(MacIIArchitecture) || defined(UseLibTermcap)
-LIBTERMCAP = -ltermcap
-#if defined(SQNTArchitecture) || defined(SequentArchitecture)
-LIBSQNT=-lsocket -linet -lnsl -lseq
-/* This may not be good enough - I don't have access to enough systems
-to really test it. */
-#if (SystemV == YES) || defined(UseLibCurses) && !defined(HPArchitecture)
-LIBCURSES = -lcurses
-#if defined(UseLibNet)
-LIBNET = -lnet
-#if defined(UseLibSocket)
-LIBSOCKET = -lsocket
-#if defined(UseLibBSD)
-LIBBSD = -lbsd
-#if (defined(SGIArchitecture) && \
-     (OSMajorVersion == 3) && (OSMinorVersion == 3)) || \
-	defined(UseLibC_S)
-LIBC_S = -lc_s
-#if defined(UseLibSun)
-LIBSUN = -lsun
-#if defined(UseLibCposix)
-LIBCPOSIX = -lcposix
-#if defined(UseLibInet)
-LIBINET = -linet
-#if defined(UseLibDir)
-LIBDIRECT = -ldir
-#if defined(UseLibX)
-LIBX = -lx
-#if defined(UseLibIntl)
-LIBINTL = -lintl
-#if (HasLibCrypt == YES)
-LIBCRYPT = -lcrypt
-#if defined(MacIIArchitecture) || defined(UseLibPosix)
-LIBPOSIX = -lposix
-#if defined(ATTArchitecture) || defined(UseLibDirent)
-LIBDIRECTENT = -ldirent
-/* The order here is significant.  Although nothing uses all of these, 
-some platforms which use more than one do care about the order. */
-/* Past here, nothing should need to be changed to compile on a different
-platform, unless you have a really weird architecture. */
-#ifdef MyCC
-CC = MyCC
-# if HasGcc
-#  if HasGcc2
-CC = gcc 
-#  else
-#   ifdef NoCombineRegs
-CC = gcc -finline-functions -fstrength-reduce
-#   else
-CC = gcc -fcombine-regs -finline-functions -fstrength-reduce
-#   endif
-#  endif
-# else
-CC = cc
-# endif
-#ifdef HESIOD
-HESLIB = -L/usr/athena/lib -lhesiod
-/* it seems to me that the -I shouldn't be necessary, but there seems
-to be a bug in the Imake stuff, so here it is. */
-HESDEF = -DHESIOD -I/usr/athena/include
-#ifdef AFS
-#ifndef AFSDIR
-AFSDIR = /usr/afsws
-#ifdef AFS33
-#define AFS33LIB -laudit
-#define AFS33LIB
-/* Auxilliary libs needed for AFS */
-/* Both HPUX and Solaris need the BSD libraries.  We need -lc before
- * the bsd library to avoid using any more of it than is necessary.
- */
-#if defined(HPArchitecture)
-#define AFSAUXLIB -lc -lBSD
-/* This is probably a kludge, but so is imake. */
-#if defined(SunArchitecture) && (OSMajorVersion == 5)
-#define AFSAUXLIB -lsocket -lnsl -lc -lucb
-#define AFSAUXLIB
-#endif /* AFSAUXLIB */
-AFSLIB = -L$(AFSDIR)/lib -L$(AFSDIR)/lib/afs -lkauth -lprot -lubik\
-	 -lauth -lrxkad -lsys -ldes -lrx -llwp -lcom_err\
-	 $(AFSDIR)/lib/afs/util.a AFS33LIB AFSAUXLIB
-AFSDEF = -DAFS -I$(AFSDIR)/include
-/* This is encore specific, but I don't know what encore's #define is,
-and it shouldn't hurt to have it here, so here it is */
-PARALLEL=12				# Make the multi-max run fast.
-#ifndef TcshTop
-#define TcshTop /usr/local
-TCSHTOP = TcshTop
-#ifndef ManSuffix
-#define ManSuffix 1
-MANSUFFIX = ManSuffix
-#ifdef TcshPath
-#ifdef DestBin
-#ifdef DestMan
-#ifndef MyCflags
-#define MyCflags
-#ifndef MyDefines
-#define MyDefines
-#ifndef MyIncludes
-#define MyIncludes
-#ifndef MyStdc
-#define MyStdc
-#ifdef CDebugFlags
-# if HasGcc2
-# else
-# endif
-#ifdef HostType
-DEFINES = $(TCSHPATH) $(HESDEF) $(AFSDEF) $(HTDEF) MyDefines MyCflags MyStdc
-INCLUDES = -I. MyIncludes
-#ifdef MyLibs
-LDLIBS = MyLibs
-SUF = o
-VERSION = 6.12
-SHSRCS=	sh.c sh.dir.c sh.dol.c sh.err.c sh.exec.c \
-	sh.char.c sh.exp.c sh.file.c sh.func.c \
-	sh.glob.c sh.hist.c sh.init.c sh.lex.c \
-	sh.misc.c sh.parse.c sh.print.c sh.proc.c \
-	sh.sem.c sh.set.c sh.time.c dotlock.c dotlock.h glob.c \
-	sh.char.h sh.dir.h sh.proc.h sh.h \
-	sh.decls.h glob.h ${SYSSRCS}
-SHOBJS=	sh.${SUF} sh.dir.${SUF} sh.dol.${SUF} sh.err.${SUF} sh.exec.${SUF} \
-	sh.char.${SUF} sh.exp.${SUF} sh.file.${SUF} sh.func.${SUF} \
-	sh.glob.${SUF} sh.hist.${SUF} sh.init.${SUF} sh.lex.${SUF} \
-	sh.misc.${SUF} sh.parse.${SUF} sh.print.${SUF} sh.proc.${SUF} \
-	sh.sem.${SUF} sh.set.${SUF} sh.time.${SUF} dotlock.${SUF} glob.${SUF} \
-TWSRCS= tw.decls.h tw.h tw.init.c tw.parse.c tw.spell.c \
-	tw.comp.c tw.color.c
-TWOBJS=${SUF} tw.init.${SUF} tw.parse.${SUF} tw.spell.${SUF} \
-	tw.comp.${SUF} tw.color.${SUF}
-EDSRCS= ed.chared.c ed.decls.h ed.defns.c ed.h ed.init.c ed.inputl.c \
-	ed.refresh.c ed.screen.c ed.xmap.c ed.term.c ed.term.h
-EDOBJS=	ed.chared.${SUF} ed.refresh.${SUF} ed.screen.${SUF} ed.init.${SUF} \
-	ed.inputl.${SUF} ed.defns.${SUF} ed.xmap.${SUF} ed.term.${SUF}
-TCSRCS= tc.alloc.c tc.bind.c tc.const.c tc.decls.h tc.disc.c \
-	tc.func.c tc.nls.c tc.nls.h tc.os.c tc.os.h tc.printf.c tc.prompt.c \
-	tc.disc.${SUF} tc.func.${SUF} tc.nls.${SUF} tc.os.${SUF} \
-	tc.printf.${SUF} tc.sched.c tc.sig.c tc.sig.h tc.str.c sh.types.h \
-	tc.vers.c tc.wait.h tc.who.c tc.h 
-TCOBJS=	tc.alloc.${SUF} tc.bind.${SUF} tc.const.${SUF} tc.defs.${SUF} \
-	tc.disc.${SUF} tc.func.${SUF} tc.os.${SUF} tc.printf.${SUF} \
-	tc.prompt.${SUF} tc.sched.${SUF} tc.sig.${SUF} tc.str.${SUF} \
-	tc.vers.${SUF} tc.who.${SUF} 
-	FAQ WishList config_f.h glob.3 patchlevel.h pathnames.h \
- Ported src.desc Imakefile imake.config complete.tcsh \
-	Makefile.vms termcap.vms snames.h host.defs gethost.c tcsh.man2html \
- Makefile.win32 aclocal.m4 dot.login dot.tcshrc
-ed.defns.h: config.h ed.defns.c
-	@rm -f $@
-	@echo '/* Do not edit this file, make creates it. */' > $@
-	@echo '#ifndef _h_ed_defns' >> $@
-	@echo '#define _h_ed_defns' >> $@
-	egrep '[FV]_' ed.defns.c | egrep '^#define' >> $@
-	@echo '#endif /* _h_ed_defns */' >> $@
-sh.err.h: config.h sh.err.c
-	@rm -f $@
-	@echo '/* Do not edit this file, make creates it. */' > $@
-	@echo '#ifndef _h_sh_err' >> $@
-	@echo '#define _h_sh_err' >> $@
-	egrep 'ERR_' sh.err.c | egrep '^#define' >> $@
-	@echo '#endif /* _h_sh_err */' >> $@
-tc.const.h: config.h tc.const.c
-	@rm -f $@
-	@echo '/* Do not edit this file, make creates it. */' > $@
-	@echo '#ifndef _h_tc_const' >> $@
-	@echo '#define _h_tc_const' >> $@
-	${CC} -E $(INCLUDES) ${DEFINES} -D_h_tc_const tc.const.c | \
-	    grep 'Char STR' | \
-	    sed -e 's/Char \([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)\[\].*/extern Char \1[];/' | \
-	    sort >> $@
-	@echo '#endif /* _h_tc_const */' >> $@
-config.h: config_f.h
-	cp config/ConfigH config.h
-$(OBJS): sh.err.h tc.const.h ed.defns.h
-	rm -f tcsh-${VERSION}.tar.Z
-	rm -rf tcsh-${VERSION} 
-	mkdir tcsh-${VERSION} tcsh-${VERSION}/config
-	cp ${ALLSRCS} tcsh-${VERSION}
-	cp ${CONFSRCS} tcsh-${VERSION}/config
-	tar cf - nls/Makefile nls/?*/set?* | (cd tcsh-${VERSION}; tar xpf -)
-	tar cvf - tcsh-${VERSION} | compress > tcsh-${VERSION}.tar.Z
-	rm -rf tcsh-${VERSION}
-	rm -f tcsh-${VERSION}.tar.gz
-	rm -rf tcsh-${VERSION} 
-	mkdir tcsh-${VERSION} tcsh-${VERSION}/config
-	cp ${ALLSRCS} tcsh-${VERSION}
-	cp ${CONFSRCS} tcsh-${VERSION}/config
-	tar cf - nls/Makefile nls/?*/set?* | (cd tcsh-${VERSION}; tar xpf -)
-	tar cvf - tcsh-${VERSION} | gzip > tcsh-${VERSION}.tar.gz
-	rm -rf tcsh-${VERSION}
-	rm -f tcsh-*.shar
-	rm -rf tcsh-${VERSION} 
-	mkdir tcsh-${VERSION} tcsh-${VERSION}/config
-	cp ${ALLSRCS} tcsh-${VERSION}
-	cp ${CONFSRCS} tcsh-${VERSION}/config
-	tar cf - nls/Makefile nls/?*/set?* | (cd tcsh-${VERSION}; tar xpf -)
-	MAKESHAR -v -n tcsh-${VERSION} tcsh-${VERSION} \
-		 tcsh-${VERSION}/?* tcsh-${VERSION}/config/?* \
-		 tcsh-${VERSION}/?*/set?*
-	rm -rf tcsh-${VERSION}
-	@(cd nls; make catalogs)
-	$(MAKE) clean ; $(MAKE) depend ; $(MAKE) tcsh ; $(MAKE) install
-	rm -f ed.defns.h sh.err.h tc.const.h config.h tc.defs.*
-	rm -f tcsh.*.m tcsh.*.cat
-depend:: config.h ed.defns.h sh.err.h tc.const.h $(SRCS) tc.defs.c
-tc.defs.${SUF}:	tc.defs.c sh.h
-tc.defs.c:	gethost host.defs
-	@rm -f $@
-	@echo "/* Do not edit this file, make creates it */" > $@
-	./gethost host.defs >> $@
-AINC=ed.defns.h sh.err.h tc.const.h sh.h
-NormalProgramTarget(tcsh, $(OBJS), $(AINC), $(LOCALLIBS), $(ALIB))
-NormalProgramTarget(gethost, gethost.${SUF}, $(AINC), $(LOCALLIBS), $(ALIB))
diff --git a/contrib/tcsh/MAKEDIFFS b/contrib/tcsh/MAKEDIFFS
deleted file mode 100755
index be0e5b242668..000000000000
--- a/contrib/tcsh/MAKEDIFFS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# Make context diffs for the csh sources
-case "x$1" in
-    echo "Usage: `basename $0` [bsd|tahoe|xinu|reno]";exit 1;;
-DIFF1='sh.c sh.char.c sh.dir.c sh.dol.c sh.err.c sh.exec.c sh.exp.c sh.file.c'
-DIFF2='sh.func.c sh.glob.c sh.hist.c sh.init.c sh.lex.c sh.misc.c sh.parse.c sh.print.c'
-DIFF3='sh.proc.c sh.sem.c sh.set.c sh.time.c sh.char.h sh.dir.h sh.h sh.local.h sh.proc.h'
-for i in $DIFF1
-    diff -c $CSHDIR/$i $TCSHDIR/$i
-done > DIFFS.1
-for i in $DIFF2
-    diff -c $CSHDIR/$i $TCSHDIR/$i
-done > DIFFS.2
-for i in $DIFF3
-    diff -c $CSHDIR/$i $TCSHDIR/$i
-done > DIFFS.3
-exit 0
diff --git a/contrib/tcsh/MAKESHAR b/contrib/tcsh/MAKESHAR
deleted file mode 100755
index 48c73b7c74ab..000000000000
--- a/contrib/tcsh/MAKESHAR
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-# Make a shar file for the sources
-AWK=/usr/bin/nawk	# Must be nawk or gawk cause of 2D arrays
-for i 
-    case $i in
-    -n)	
-	name=;;
-    -v)
-	verbose=1;;
-    -d)
-	SH=/bin/cat;;
-    -s)
-	size=$1;;
-    *)
-	if [ -z "$name" ]
-	then
-	    name=$i
-	elif [ -d $i ]
-	then
-	    dirs="$dirs $i"
-	elif [ -f $i ]
-	then
-	    files="$files $i"
-	else
-	    echo "$0: File `$i' not found." 1>&2
-	    exit 1
-	fi;;
-    esac
-if [ \( -z "$files" \) -a \( -z "$dirs" \) ]
-    echo "Usage: $0 [-n name] [-s size] [-vd] <files>."	1>&2
-    exit 1
-$WC $files | $GREP -v total | $SORT +2 | $AWK '
-    BEGIN {
-	i = 0;
-	seq = 1;
-	size = 0;
-	name = 1;
-	used = 2;
-	verbose='"$verbose"';
-	tty = "/dev/tty";
-	maxsize = '"$size"';
-	dirs = "'"$dirs"'";
-    };
-    {
-	a[i, size] = $3;
-	a[i, name] = $4;
-	a[i, used] = 0;
-	i++;
-    };
-    END {
-	for (maxi = i--; i >= 0; i--) {
-	    idx = 0;
-	    if (a[i, used] == 0) {
-		if (verbose && a[i, size] > maxsize) 
-		    printf("Warning: File %s is %d > %d\n",
-			   a[i, name], a[i, size], maxsize) > tty;
-		s = a[i, size];
-		a[i, used] = 1;
-		kit[seq, idx++] = i; 
-		j = 0;
-		while (j < maxi) {
-		    # Find the greatest file we can add
-		    j = maxi;
-		    for (k = 0; k < maxi; k++)
-			if (a[k, used] == 0 && a[k, size] + s < maxsize)
-			    j = k;
-		    if (j < maxi) {
-			s += a[j, size];
-			a[j, used] = 1;
-			kit[seq, idx++] = j; 
-		    }
-		}
-		sizes[seq] = s;
-		kit[seq++, idx] = -1; 
-	    }
-	}
-	for (i = 1; i < seq; i++) {
-	    printf("shar -n%d -e%d %s ", i, seq - 1, dirs);
-	    if (verbose) {
-		printf("%3d of %3d: ", i, seq - 1) > tty;
-		len = 12;
-	    }
-	    for (j = 0; kit[i, j] != -1; j++) {
-		s = a[kit[i, j], name];
-		if (verbose) {
-		    clen = length(s) + 1;
-		    len += clen;
-		    if (len > 70) {
-			printf("\n            ") > tty;
-			len = 12 + clen;
-		    }
-		    printf("%s ", s) > tty;
-		}
-		printf("%s ", s);
-	    }
-	    printf("> '"$name"'-%d.shar;", i);
-	    if (verbose)
-		printf("= %5d\n", sizes[i]) > tty;
-	}
-    }' | $SH
diff --git a/contrib/tcsh/Makefile.ADMIN b/contrib/tcsh/Makefile.ADMIN
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ad3bb8fb3c5..000000000000
--- a/contrib/tcsh/Makefile.ADMIN
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile.ADMIN
-# Maintenance tasks
-# You can refetch files from the website, then run "git diff" to
-# sanity check any changes before committing.
-LYNX=	lynx -dump -nolist
-TRIM=	expand | sed -e 's/^  *$$//' | cat -s
-all: ${PAGES}
-.for i in ${PAGES}
-$i: force
-	${LYNX} ${WEB}/${i:tl}/ | ${TRIM} > ${.TARGET}
-.DUMMY: force
diff --git a/contrib/tcsh/ b/contrib/tcsh/
deleted file mode 100644
index c6b5f2554cc0..000000000000
--- a/contrib/tcsh/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,782 +0,0 @@
-# C Shell with process control; VM/UNIX VAX Makefile
-# Bill Joy UC Berkeley; Jim Kulp IIASA, Austria
-# With an input editor, command completion, etc. and ported to all sorts of
-# things; Paul Placeway, CIS Dept., Ohio State University
-## CFLAGS.  For various -D things, see config.h
-# These are the default suffixes from .c to .o and -c to get there
-# but to use the global optimizer on the mips boxes, see below
-CPPFLAGS=-I. -I$(srcdir)
-# hpux lint
-#LFLAGS= -Zn10000
-# This is set by autoconf:
-# debug:
-#CFLAGS= -g
-# production:
-# Broken optimizers....
-#CFLAGS= -g -pg -DPROF
-# gcc 1.00-1.37
-#CFLAGS= -O -finline-functions -fstrength-reduce
-# gcc 1.37-1.40
-#CFLAGS= -O -fcombine-regs -finline-functions -fstrength-reduce
-# add -msoft-float for 68881 machines.
-# gcc 2.0
-# On the sparc, don't use -O2; it breaks setjmp() and vfork()
-# gcc-2.1+
-# lucid c on suns
-# gcc 2.1 on linux
-#CFLAGS= -O6 -fomit-frame-pointer
-# HP/UX 8.0, 9.0
-#CFLAGS= +O3 -Aa
-# Ultrix 4.2a
-#CFLAGS= -O -Olimit 2000
-# Intel Paragon OSF/1 with PGI compilers
-#CFLAGS= -O -Mnodebug -Mnoperfmon
-# DEC Alpha OSF/1
-## Normal Optimization
-#CFLAGS= -O2 -Olimit 2000
-## Full Optimization - may not work
-#CFLAGS= -O3 -Olimit 2000
*** 15513 LINES SKIPPED ***

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