git: b762974cf4b9 - main - clang: stop linking _p libs for -pg as of FreeBSD 14

Ed Maste emaste at
Mon Jun 28 20:00:07 UTC 2021

> >     clang: stop linking _p libs for -pg as of FreeBSD 14
> >
> >     In FreeBSD 14 we will stop providing _p libraries (compiled with -pg).
> So if this is being done in 14 only, why is there a MFC marker?
> Should that of been MFC: never?
> > +  bool Profiling = Args.hasArg(options::OPT_pg) &&
> > +                   ToolChain.getTriple().getOSMajorVersion() < 14;

The compiler applies this logic only to 14 and later. MFCing will
allow a FreeBSD 13 Clang to build a FreeBSD 14 binary with -pg.

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