git: 4c0bc591466f - main - man9: add hz(9) and hardclock(9)

John Baldwin jhb at
Fri Jun 18 16:49:49 UTC 2021

On 6/18/21 8:32 AM, Eugene Grosbein wrote:
> 18.06.2021 22:18, John Baldwin wrote:
>> OTOH, it's
>> also true that there's no real reason for anything outside of the actual timer
>> code to use stathz (or even profhz) unlike 'hz' which is still used to set
>> timeout tick values.
> Not agreed: how do I get reliable per-CPU load stats in userland without sysctl kern.cp_times
> that exports incrementing raw "stathz-tick" counters? I need them to draw per-CPU graphs.

Hmm, I guess userland needs the resolution of the values in the sysctls, yes.
To be clear, I was not at all saying that cp_times should be removed, only that
very little code in the kernel needs to use the literal C symbol 'stathz' compared
to the C symbol 'hz'.

John Baldwin

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