git: 2bd4ff2d8911 - main - loader.efi: There are systems without ConOut, also use ConOutDev

Toomas Soome tsoome at
Thu Feb 4 21:30:07 UTC 2021

The branch main has been updated by tsoome:


commit 2bd4ff2d8911009283e4e615ca4aad35a845f48b
Author:     Toomas Soome <tsoome at>
AuthorDate: 2021-02-04 20:49:02 +0000
Commit:     Toomas Soome <tsoome at>
CommitDate: 2021-02-04 21:29:38 +0000

    loader.efi: There are systems without ConOut, also use ConOutDev
    Conout does contian the default output device name.
    ConOutDev does contain all possible output device names, so we can
    use it as fallback, when there is no ConOut.
    PR: 253253
 stand/efi/loader/main.c | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/stand/efi/loader/main.c b/stand/efi/loader/main.c
index ca41cd4a2610..32b278950745 100644
--- a/stand/efi/loader/main.c
+++ b/stand/efi/loader/main.c
@@ -735,6 +735,8 @@ parse_uefi_con_out(void)
 	how = 0;
 	sz = sizeof(buf);
 	rv = efi_global_getenv("ConOut", buf, &sz);
+	if (rv != EFI_SUCCESS)
+		rv = efi_global_getenv("ConOutDev", buf, &sz);
 	if (rv != EFI_SUCCESS) {
 		/* If we don't have any ConOut default to serial */
 		how = RB_SERIAL;

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