git: a8ceb6491219 - main - math/polymake: Backport patch allowing to use external Nauty library instead of Nauty source tree

Yuri Victorovich yuri at
Sat Aug 28 07:41:11 UTC 2021

The branch main has been updated by yuri:


commit a8ceb6491219baa95155e2b55a1ba5b1654757cb
Author:     Philipp Ost <bsd at>
AuthorDate: 2021-08-28 07:32:22 +0000
Commit:     Yuri Victorovich <yuri at>
CommitDate: 2021-08-28 07:41:05 +0000

    math/polymake: Backport patch allowing to use external Nauty library instead of Nauty source tree
    Also fix stripping of
 math/polymake/Makefile             |  22 ++--
 math/polymake/files/patch-libnauty | 212 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 225 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/math/polymake/Makefile b/math/polymake/Makefile
index 097714d1f003..e88745e92d98 100644
--- a/math/polymake/Makefile
+++ b/math/polymake/Makefile
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 PORTNAME=	polymake
@@ -95,14 +96,9 @@ BLISS_CONFIGURE_OFF=	--without-bliss
 BLISS_BUILD_DEPENDS=	bliss-graph-tool>=0.73:math/bliss
 BLISS_RUN_DEPENDS=	bliss-graph-tool>=0.73:math/bliss
-NAUTY_WRKSRC=	${:!${MAKE} -V WRKSRC -C ${.CURDIR:H:H}/math/nauty!}
-NAUTY_RUN_DEPENDS=	nauty>=27:math/nauty
-# Do not explicitly disable nauty. polymake's configure script currently fails
-# if a reconfiguration is triggered. However, it is aware that bliss and nauty
-# are mutually exclusive and disables nauty if BLISS=on.
-#NAUTY_CONFIGURE_OFF=	--without-nauty
+NAUTY_CONFIGURE_OFF=	--without-nauty
@@ -140,6 +136,8 @@ TESTS_VARS=	USE_PERL5+=test
 # Set WRKSRC accordingly.
+.include <>
 # Deal with site specific installation directory
 # polymake installs a perlxs module which depends on the perl configuration
 PERL_ARCHNAME=	${:!${PERL} -E 'use Config; print "\$Config::Config{archname}";'!}
@@ -178,10 +176,16 @@ post-install:
 	${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/libexec/polymake/perlx/${PERL_VERSION}/${PERL_ARCHNAME}/auto/Polymake/Ext/
-.for l in common fan fulton graph group ideal matroid polytope topaz tropical
+.for l in common fan fulton graph group matroid polytope topaz tropical
 	${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/libexec/polymake/lib/${l}.so
+# only strip libexec/polymake/lib/ iff SINGULAR=on, if SINGULAR=off it
+# is an empty file and stripping fails
+	${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/libexec/polymake/lib/
 .for lp in libpolymake-apps libpolymake-apps-rt
 	${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/libexec/polymake/lib/${lp}.so.${DISTVERSION}
diff --git a/math/polymake/files/patch-libnauty b/math/polymake/files/patch-libnauty
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..77eaf347b801
--- /dev/null
+++ b/math/polymake/files/patch-libnauty
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+- patch from the upstream allowing to link to
+commit 3d5f15812247c37e1821d30a24e69acc308bc54b
+Author: Benjamin Lorenz <lorenz at>
+Date:   Tue Aug 24 21:20:40 2021 +0200
+    bundled/nauty: add support for libnauty installation to configuration
+    in addition to bundled and source-dir
+    without any options this will try to run a test-program and fall back
+    to the bundled nauty if that fails.
+diff --git bundled/nauty/apps/graph/src/ bundled/nauty/apps/graph/src/
+index 26779977ff..26a0b689bf 100644
+--- bundled/nauty/apps/graph/src/
++++ bundled/nauty/apps/graph/src/
+@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
+ #define set nauty_set
+ #define permutation nauty_permutation
+-#include <nauty.h>
+-#include <naututil.h>
++#include <nauty/nauty.h>
++#include <nauty/naututil.h>
+ #include <memory>
+ namespace {
+diff --git bundled/nauty/apps/graph/src/ bundled/nauty/apps/graph/src/
+index 1b6fac03e2..9efd0a0cd0 100644
+--- bundled/nauty/apps/graph/src/
++++ bundled/nauty/apps/graph/src/
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ # input for
+-my $foreign_src = $ConfigFlags{'bundled.nauty.NautySrc'};
++my $foreign_src = $ConfigFlags{'bundled.nauty.NautySrc'} ne "bundled" && $ConfigFlags{'bundled.nauty.NautySrc'};
+ my $nauty_src = $foreign_src ? '${bundled.nauty.NautySrc}' : '${root}/bundled/nauty/external/nauty';
+ my $generated_dir = '${buildroot}/staticlib/nauty';
+ my @generated_headers = qw( nauty.h naututil.h gtools.h );
+@@ -9,17 +9,21 @@ my @generated_out = map { "$generated_dir/$_" } @generated_headers;
+ my $include_generated = ($foreign_src && grep { -f "$foreign_src/$_" } @generated_headers)
+                         ? join(" ", map { "-include $_" } @generated_out)
+                         : "-I$generated_dir";
++my $nauty_inc = $ConfigFlags{'bundled.nauty.NautySrc'}
++                ? " -I$generated_dir -I$nauty_src"
++                : "";
+-( CXXFLAGS => "-DBIGNAUTY -I$generated_dir -I$nauty_src",
++( '' => $nauty_inc,
+-  GENERATED => {
+-    out => "@generated_out", in => "@generated_in",
+-    command => "cd $generated_dir; CC=\"\${CC}\" CFLAGS=\"\${CFLAGS}\" $nauty_src/configure --quiet >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; rm -f makefile",
+-  },
+-  staticlib => {
+-    SOURCEDIR => $nauty_src,
+-    SOURCES => [ qw(naugraph.c naurng.c nausparse.c nautaux.c nautil.c nautinv.c naututil.c nauty.c rng.c schreier.c) ],
+-    CFLAGS => "-DBIGNAUTY $include_generated -I$nauty_src",
+-  }
++  $ConfigFlags{'bundled.nauty.NautySrc'}
++  ? ( GENERATED => {
++        out => "@generated_out", in => "@generated_in",
++        command => "cd $generated_dir; CC=\"\${CC}\" CFLAGS=\"\${CFLAGS}\" $nauty_src/configure --quiet >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; rm -rf makefile nauty; ln -s . nauty",
++      },
++      staticlib => {
++        SOURCEDIR => $nauty_src,
++        SOURCES => [ qw(naugraph.c naurng.c nausparse.c nautaux.c nautil.c nautinv.c naututil.c nauty.c rng.c schreier.c) ],
++        CFLAGS => "$include_generated -I$nauty_src",
++      } )
++  : ()
+ )
+diff --git bundled/nauty/support/ bundled/nauty/support/
+index 73ac8c2b22..e8b9eec126 100644
+--- bundled/nauty/support/
++++ bundled/nauty/support/
+@@ -14,19 +14,19 @@
+ #  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+- at conf_vars=qw( NautySrc );
++ at conf_vars=qw( NautySrc CXXFLAGS LDFLAGS LIBS );
+ sub allowed_options {
+    my ($allowed_options, $allowed_with)=@_;
+-   @$allowed_with{ qw( nauty-src ) }=();
++   @$allowed_with{ qw( nauty-src nauty ) }=();
+ }
+ sub usage {
+-   print STDERR "  --with-nauty-src=PATH  Source directory of nauty.\n",
+-                "                         By default polymake will use the bundled nauty source files,\n",
+-                "                         for the minimal tarball this option allows using a custom\n",
+-                "                         directory containing the nauty sources.\n";
++   print STDERR "                         By default polymake will use the bundled nauty source files,\n",
++                "                         these options allow using a custom nauty source or installation:\n",
++                "  --with-nauty-src=PATH  Source directory of nauty.\n",
++                "  --with-nauty=PATH      Installation prefix of nauty.\n";
+ }
+ sub check_nauty {
+@@ -36,17 +36,100 @@ sub check_nauty {
+ sub proceed {
+    my ($options)=@_;
+-   my $nautysrc;
+-   if (defined ($nautysrc=$options->{"nauty-src"})) {
+-      check_nauty($nautysrc) or
+-         die "Specified nauty source directory invalid, could not find ''.";
+-      $NautySrc = $nautysrc;
+-   } elsif (!check_nauty()) {
++   my $nauty_path;
++   my $nauty_src;
++   my $nautyver;
++   $NautySrc = "bundled";
++   if (defined ($nauty_path=$options->{nauty}) && $nauty_path ne "bundled") {
++      my $nauty_inc="$nauty_path/include";
++      my $nauty_lib=Polymake::Configure::get_libdir($nauty_path, "nauty");
++      unless (-f "$nauty_inc/nauty/nauty.h"
++              && ( -f "$nauty_lib/libnauty.$Config::Config{dlext}"
++                   || -f "$nauty_lib/libnauty.a" ) ) {
++         die "Invalid installation location of nauty library: header file nauty/nauty.h and/or library libnauty.$Config::Config{dlext} / libnauty.a not found\n";
++      }
++      $LDFLAGS.=" -Wl,-rpath,$nauty_lib"
++         if $nauty_path !~ m|^/usr$| && -f "$nauty_lib/libnauty.$Config::Config{dlext}";
++      $CXXFLAGS = "-I$nauty_inc";
++      $LDFLAGS = "-L$nauty_lib";
++      undef $NautySrc;
++   } elsif (defined ($nauty_src=$options->{"nauty-src"}) && $nauty_src ne "bundled") {
++      check_nauty($nauty_src) or
++         die "Specified nauty source directory invalid, could not find '' in $nauty_src.";
++      $NautySrc = "$nauty_src";
++   }
++   if (!$nauty_src && $nauty_path ne "bundled" && $options->{prereq} ne ".none.") {
++      # compile test-program, soft-fail
++      my $testcode = <<'---';
++// simplified example from nautyex1.c from the nauty source
++#define MAXN 1000    /* Define this before including nauty.h */
++#include <nauty/nauty.h>
++#include <iostream>
++main(int argc, char *argv[])
++    graph g[MAXN*MAXM];
++    int lab[MAXN],ptn[MAXN],orbits[MAXN];
++    static DEFAULTOPTIONS_GRAPH(options);
++    statsblk stats;
++    int n = 5;
++    int m = 1;
++    int v;
++    options.writeautoms = FALSE;
++    /* The following optional call verifies that we are linking
++       to compatible versions of the nauty routines.            */
++    nauty_check(WORDSIZE,m,n,NAUTYVERSIONID);
++    EMPTYGRAPH(g,m,n);
++    for (v = 0; v < n; ++v)  ADDONEEDGE(g,v,(v+1)%n,m);
++    densenauty(g,lab,ptn,orbits,&options,&stats,m,n,NULL);
++    std::cout << "VERSION " << NAUTYVERSIONID << std::endl;
++    exit(0);
++      my $error=Polymake::Configure::build_test_program($testcode, LIBS => "-lnauty", CXXFLAGS => "$CXXFLAGS", LDFLAGS => "$LDFLAGS");
++      if ($? == 0) {
++         my $message=Polymake::Configure::run_test_program();
++         if ($?) {
++            check_nauty() and !defined($nauty_path) or
++               die "Could not run a test program checking for nauty library.\n",
++                   "The complete error log follows:\n\n$message\n",
++                   "Please investigate the reasons and fix the installation.\n";
++         } else {
++            ($nautyver) = $message =~ /VERSION (\d+)/;
++            my $nautymin = 25000; # version*10000
++            if ($nautyver < $nautymin) {
++               check_nauty() and !defined($nauty_path) or
++                  die "Your nauty version $nautyver is too old, at least version $nautymin is required.\n";
++            } else {
++               $LIBS = "-lnauty";
++               undef $NautySrc;
++            }
++         }
++      } else {
++         check_nauty() and !defined($nauty_path) or
++            die "Could not compile a test program checking for nauty.\n",
++                "The most probable reasons are that the library is installed at a non-standard location,\n",
++                "is not configured to build a shared module, or missing at all.\n",
++                "The complete error log follows:\n\n$error\n",
++                "Please install the library and specify its location using --with-nauty option, if needed.\n";
++      }
++   }
++   if ($NautySrc eq "bundled" && !check_nauty()) {
+       die "Bundled nauty directory seems to be missing, to use the nauty interface\n",
+           "with the minimal tarball please specify a nauty source directory\n",
+-          "via --with-nauty-src=PATH.";
++          "via --with-nauty-src=PATH, or a nauty installation with --with-nauty=PATH.";
+    }
+-   return $NautySrc ? "$NautySrc" : "bundled";
++   return $NautySrc ? "source: $NautySrc" : ("version $nautyver @ ".($nauty_path//"system"));
+ }

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