git: 969aedb5b1a5 - main - lang/sbcl: Fix an error in REPLACE for arguments of type (VECTOR CHARACTER *)

Kirill Ponomarev krion at
Fri Aug 6 20:52:19 UTC 2021

The branch main has been updated by krion:


commit 969aedb5b1a5200865ef81bdf5fccb998a810f20
Author:     Kirill Ponomarev <krion at>
AuthorDate: 2021-08-06 20:50:43 +0000
Commit:     Kirill Ponomarev <krion at>
CommitDate: 2021-08-06 20:52:12 +0000

    lang/sbcl: Fix an error in REPLACE for arguments of type (VECTOR CHARACTER *)
    Reported by:    jrm
 lang/sbcl/Makefile                        |   1 +
 lang/sbcl/files/patch_seq.lisp            | 143 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lang/sbcl/files/patch_tests_seq.pure.lisp |  21 +++++
 3 files changed, 165 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lang/sbcl/Makefile b/lang/sbcl/Makefile
index 2ee01f02b9bf..beaa1ee7940e 100644
--- a/lang/sbcl/Makefile
+++ b/lang/sbcl/Makefile
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 CATEGORIES=	lang lisp
diff --git a/lang/sbcl/files/patch_seq.lisp b/lang/sbcl/files/patch_seq.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a8b45f2311d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lang/sbcl/files/patch_seq.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+--- work/sbcl-2.1.7/src/code/seq.lisp	2021-07-30 10:42:09.000000000 +0200
++++ /home/krion/sbcl/src/code/seq.lisp	2021-08-06 22:34:09.026438000 +0200
+@@ -722,52 +722,53 @@
+             collect `(eq ,tag ,(sb-vm:saetp-typecode saetp)))))
+ ;;;; REPLACE
+-(defun vector-replace (vector1 vector2 start1 start2 end1 diff)
+-  (declare ((or (eql -1) index) start1 start2 end1)
+-           (optimize (sb-c::insert-array-bounds-checks 0))
+-           ((integer -1 1) diff))
+-  (let ((tag1 (%other-pointer-widetag vector1))
+-        (tag2 (%other-pointer-widetag vector2)))
+-    (macrolet ((copy (&body body)
+-                 `(do ((index1 start1 (+ index1 diff))
+-                       (index2 start2 (+ index2 diff)))
+-                      ((= index1 end1))
+-                    (declare (fixnum index1 index2))
+-                    , at body)))
+-      (when (= tag1 tag2)
+-        (when (= tag1 sb-vm:simple-vector-widetag)
+-          (copy (setf (svref vector1 index1) (svref vector2 index2)))
+-          (return-from vector-replace vector1))
+-        (let ((copier (sb-vm::blt-copier-for-widetag tag1)))
+-          (when (functionp copier)
+-            ;; VECTOR1 = destination, VECTOR2 = source, but copier wants FROM, TO
+-            (funcall copier vector2 start2 vector1 start1 (- end1 start1))
+-            (return-from vector-replace vector1))))
+-      (let ((getter (the function (svref %%data-vector-reffers%% tag2)))
+-            (setter (the function (svref %%data-vector-setters%% tag1))))
+-        (copy (funcall setter vector1 index1 (funcall getter vector2 index2))))))
+-  vector1)
+ ;;; If we are copying around in the same vector, be careful not to copy the
+ ;;; same elements over repeatedly. We do this by copying backwards.
++;;; Bounding indices were checked for validity by DEFINE-SEQUENCE-TRAVERSER.
+ (defmacro vector-replace-from-vector ()
+-  `(let ((nelts (min (- target-end target-start)
+-                     (- source-end source-start))))
+-     (with-array-data ((data1 target-sequence) (start1 target-start) (end1))
+-       (declare (ignore end1))
+-       (let ((end1 (the fixnum (+ start1 nelts))))
+-         (if (and (eq target-sequence source-sequence)
+-                  (> target-start source-start))
+-             (let ((end (the fixnum (1- end1))))
+-               (vector-replace data1 data1
+-                               end
+-                               (the fixnum (- end
+-                                              (- target-start source-start)))
+-                               (1- start1)
+-                               -1))
+-             (with-array-data ((data2 source-sequence) (start2 source-start) (end2))
+-               (declare (ignore end2))
+-               (vector-replace data1 data2 start1 start2 end1 1)))))
++  `(locally
++     (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
++     (let ((nelts (min (- target-end target-start)
++                       (- source-end source-start))))
++       (when (plusp nelts)
++       (with-array-data ((data1 target-sequence) (start1 target-start) (end1))
++         (progn end1)
++         (with-array-data ((data2 source-sequence) (start2 source-start) (end2))
++           (progn end2)
++           (let ((tag1 (%other-pointer-widetag data1))
++                 (tag2 (%other-pointer-widetag data2)))
++             (block replace
++               (when (= tag1 tag2)
++                 (when (= tag1 sb-vm:simple-vector-widetag) ; rely on the transform
++                   (replace (truly-the simple-vector data1)
++                            (truly-the simple-vector data2)
++                            :start1 start1 :end1 (truly-the index (+ start1 nelts))
++                            :start2 start2 :end2 (truly-the index (+ start2 nelts)))
++                   (return-from replace))
++                 (let ((copier (sb-vm::blt-copier-for-widetag tag1)))
++                   (when (functionp copier)
++                     ;; these copiers figure out which direction to step.
++                     ;; arg order is FROM, TO which is the opposite of REPLACE.
++                     (funcall copier data2 start2 data1 start1 nelts)
++                     (return-from replace))))
++               ;; General case is just like the code emitted by TRANSFORM-REPLACE
++               ;; but using the getter and setter.
++               (let ((getter (the function (svref %%data-vector-reffers%% tag2)))
++                     (setter (the function (svref %%data-vector-setters%% tag1))))
++                 (cond ((and (eq data1 data2) (> start1 start2))
++                        (do ((i (the (or (eql -1) index) (+ start1 nelts -1)) (1- i))
++                             (j (the (or (eql -1) index) (+ start2 nelts -1)) (1- j)))
++                            ((< i start1))
++                          (declare (index i j))
++                          (funcall setter data1 i (funcall getter data2 j))))
++                       (t
++                        (do ((i start1 (1+ i))
++                             (j start2 (1+ j))
++                             (end (the index (+ start1 nelts))))
++                            ((>= i end))
++                          (declare (index i j))
++                          (funcall setter data1 i (funcall getter data2 j))))))))))))
+      target-sequence))
+ (defmacro list-replace-from-list ()
+@@ -819,44 +820,6 @@
+         target-sequence)
+      (declare (fixnum target-index source-index))
+      (setf (aref target-sequence target-index) (car source-sequence))))
+-;;;; The support routines for REPLACE are used by compiler transforms, so we
+-;;;; worry about dealing with END being supplied or defaulting to NIL
+-;;;; at this level.
+-(defun list-replace-from-list* (target-sequence source-sequence target-start
+-                                target-end source-start source-end)
+-  (when (null target-end) (setq target-end (length target-sequence)))
+-  (when (null source-end) (setq source-end (length source-sequence)))
+-  (list-replace-from-list))
+-(defun list-replace-from-vector* (target-sequence source-sequence target-start
+-                                  target-end source-start source-end)
+-  (when (null target-end) (setq target-end (length target-sequence)))
+-  (when (null source-end) (setq source-end (length source-sequence)))
+-  (list-replace-from-vector))
+-(defun vector-replace-from-list* (target-sequence source-sequence target-start
+-                                  target-end source-start source-end)
+-  (when (null target-end) (setq target-end (length target-sequence)))
+-  (when (null source-end) (setq source-end (length source-sequence)))
+-  (vector-replace-from-list))
+-(defun vector-replace-from-vector* (target-sequence source-sequence
+-                                    target-start target-end source-start
+-                                    source-end)
+-  (when (null target-end) (setq target-end (length target-sequence)))
+-  (when (null source-end) (setq source-end (length source-sequence)))
+-  (vector-replace-from-vector))
+-(defun simple-character-string-replace-from-simple-character-string*
+-    (target-sequence source-sequence
+-     target-start target-end source-start source-end)
+-  (declare (type (simple-array character (*)) target-sequence source-sequence))
+-  (when (null target-end) (setq target-end (length target-sequence)))
+-  (when (null source-end) (setq source-end (length source-sequence)))
+-  (vector-replace-from-vector))
+ (define-sequence-traverser replace
+     (target-sequence1 source-sequence2 &rest args &key start1 end1 start2 end2)
diff --git a/lang/sbcl/files/patch_tests_seq.pure.lisp b/lang/sbcl/files/patch_tests_seq.pure.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..059e6d57fa3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lang/sbcl/files/patch_tests_seq.pure.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+--- work/sbcl-2.1.7/tests/seq.pure.lisp	2021-07-30 10:42:10.000000000 +0200
++++ /home/krion/sbcl/tests/seq.pure.lisp	2021-08-06 22:34:09.303934000 +0200
+@@ -584,3 +584,18 @@
+         ;; Try all other numeric array types
+         (dolist (y arrays)
+           (assert (equalp x y)))))))
++;; lp#1938598
++(with-test (:name :vector-replace-self)
++  ;; example 1
++  (let ((string (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0 :element-type 'character)))
++    (declare (notinline replace))
++    (vector-push-extend #\_ string)
++    ;; also test it indirectly
++    (replace string string :start1 1 :start2 0))
++  ;; example 2
++  (let ((string (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0 :element-type 'character)))
++    (declare (notinline replace))
++    (loop for char across "tset" do (vector-push-extend char string))
++    (replace string string :start2 1 :start1 2)
++    (assert (string= string "tsse"))))

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