git: 515969d6d65f - main - security/vuxml: document tomcat CVE-2021-33037

Kevin Bowling kbowling at
Sun Aug 1 21:58:16 UTC 2021

The branch main has been updated by kbowling:


commit 515969d6d65fd8c492a84fcb31cfae377ef2dd5e
Author:     Kevin Bowling <kbowling at>
AuthorDate: 2021-08-01 21:57:10 +0000
Commit:     Kevin Bowling <kbowling at>
CommitDate: 2021-08-01 21:57:10 +0000

    security/vuxml: document tomcat CVE-2021-33037
    PR:             257153
 security/vuxml/vuln-2021.xml | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+)

diff --git a/security/vuxml/vuln-2021.xml b/security/vuxml/vuln-2021.xml
index 901b873ac212..37d78d2cdbc6 100644
--- a/security/vuxml/vuln-2021.xml
+++ b/security/vuxml/vuln-2021.xml
@@ -1,3 +1,37 @@
+  <vuln vid="d34bef0b-f312-11eb-b12b-fc4dd43e2b6a">
+    <topic>tomcat -- HTTP request smuggling in multiple versions</topic>
+    <affects>
+      <package>
+	<name>tomcat85</name>
+	<range><ge>8.5.0</ge><le>8.5.66</le></range>
+      </package>
+      <package>
+	<name>tomcat9</name>
+	<range><ge>9.0.0</ge><le>9.0.46</le></range>
+      </package>
+      <package>
+	<name>tomcat10</name>
+	<range><ge>10.0.0</ge><le>10.0.6</le></range>
+      </package>
+    </affects>
+    <description>
+      <body xmlns="">
+	<p>Bahruz Jabiyev, Steven Sprecher and Kaan Onarlioglu of NEU seclab reports:</p>
+	<blockquote cite="">
+	  <p>Apache Tomcat did not correctly parse the HTTP transfer-encoding request header in some circumstances leading to the possibility to request smuggling when used with a reverse proxy. Specifically: Tomcat incorrectly ignored the transfer-encoding header if the client declared it would only accept an HTTP/1.0 response; Tomcat honoured the identify encoding; and Tomcat did not ensure that, if present, the chunked encoding was the final encoding.</p>
+	</blockquote>
+      </body>
+    </description>
+    <references>
+      <cvename>CVE-2021-33037</cvename>
+      <url></url>
+    </references>
+    <dates>
+      <discovery>2021-05-07</discovery>
+      <entry>2021-08-01</entry>
+    </dates>
+  </vuln>
   <vuln vid="8b571fb2-f311-11eb-b12b-fc4dd43e2b6a">
     <topic>tomcat -- JNDI Realm Authentication Weakness in multiple versions</topic>

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