git: c6093a753e76 - main - databases/mysql55-server: fix check-plist

Tobias Kortkamp tobik at
Sun Apr 11 10:14:13 UTC 2021

On Sun, Apr 11, 2021 at 11:54:51AM +0200, Torsten Zuehlsdorff wrote:
> On 11.04.21 10:39, Tobias Kortkamp wrote:
> > Why do we still have MySQL 5.5?  It has been EOL since December
> > 2018.  Why should we continue to fix it?  Shouldn't we put a
> > deprecation notice on the port now and let it expire?
> Same would be true for 5.7 since 2019:
> (You need to search for "Support EOL for MySQL 5.7 on FreeBSD")

But 5.7 is still supported elsewhere until October 2023, right?  So
it would still get security and other updates that also apply to
FreeBSD regardless of official support.  This is unlike 5.5 which
is not supported anywhere anymore and won't get any updates at all.
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