git: f15a6bdc83 - main - s/Subversion/Git/

Li-Wen Hsu lwhsu at
Sat Feb 6 06:40:35 UTC 2021

The branch main has been updated by lwhsu (ports, src committer):


commit f15a6bdc83a767b3ab5064d2f75f6e710a32954b
Author:     Li-Wen Hsu <lwhsu at>
AuthorDate: 2021-02-06 06:39:14 +0000
Commit:     Li-Wen Hsu <lwhsu at>
CommitDate: 2021-02-06 06:39:14 +0000

    While here, update the branch name of the -CURRENT and replace "subtree"
    with "repository".
    Approved by:    carlavilla (implicitly)
 website/content/en/releng/_index.adoc | 6 +++---
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/website/content/en/releng/_index.adoc b/website/content/en/releng/_index.adoc
index 5368e01488..d5e385237c 100644
--- a/website/content/en/releng/_index.adoc
+++ b/website/content/en/releng/_index.adoc
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ As of 2019-11-04, the next release has not yet been announced.
 == Code-Freeze Status
-This table lists the code freeze status for major branches of the `src/` subtree of the FreeBSD Subversion repository. Commits to any branch listed as "frozen" must first be reviewed and approved by the relevant contact party. The status of other subtrees such as `ports/` and `doc/` is also provided below.
+This table lists the code freeze status for major branches of the `src/` repository of the FreeBSD Git repositories. Commits to any branch listed as "frozen" must first be reviewed and approved by the relevant contact party. The status of other repositories such as `ports/` and `doc/` is also provided below.
 |Branch |Status |Contact |Notes
-|`head` |Open |committers |Active development branch for 14.0-CURRENT.
+|`main` |Open |committers |Active development branch for 14.0-CURRENT.
 |`stable/13` |Open |committers |Development branch for FreeBSD 13-STABLE.
 |`releng/13.0` |Frozen |re at |FreeBSD 13.0 supported errata fix branch.
 |`stable/12` |Open |committers |Development branch for FreeBSD 12-STABLE.
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ This table lists the code freeze status for major branches of the `src/` subtree
 |`releng/4.3` |Frozen |security-officer at |FreeBSD 4.3 security fix branch (not officially supported).
 |`stable/3` |Open |committers |Maintenance branch for 3-STABLE (not officially supported).
 |`stable/2.2` |Open |committers |Maintenance branch for 2.2-STABLE (not officially supported).
-|*Subtree* |*Status* |*Contact* |*Notes*
+|*Repository* |*Status* |*Contact* |*Notes*
 |`ports/` |Open |portmgr at |FreeBSD Ports Collection.
 |`doc/` |Open |freebsd-doc at |ASCIIDoc-based documentation set.

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