cvs commit: src/sys/dev/ipw if_ipw.c src/sys/dev/ral rt2560.c rt2661.c src/sys/dev/wi if_wi.c

Andrew Thompson thompsa at
Sat May 10 20:25:59 UTC 2008

thompsa     2008-05-10 20:25:59 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    sys/dev/ipw          if_ipw.c 
    sys/dev/ral          rt2560.c rt2661.c 
    sys/dev/wi           if_wi.c 
  Only start the vaps if the init routine completed.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.37      +2 -1      src/sys/dev/ipw/if_ipw.c
  1.22      +2 -1      src/sys/dev/ral/rt2560.c
  1.22      +2 -1      src/sys/dev/ral/rt2661.c
  1.217     +2 -1      src/sys/dev/wi/if_wi.c

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