cvs commit: src/lib/libthr/thread thr_affinity.c

Aryeh M. Friedman aryeh.friedman at
Wed Mar 19 13:41:13 PDT 2008

David Xu wrote:
> Aryeh M. Friedman wrote:
>> I know this is off topic but the removal of KSE made it so it is not 
>> possible to get any Java VM running on 8-current (AMD64).   
>> Spcifically  I have attached the results of attempting to install 
>> java/diablo-jdk15, java/linux-sun-jdk15, java/linux-sun-jdk16 with 
>> the second two giving false positive installs.   I have contacted 
>> Greg Lewis and the -java@ mailing list and seems like they are as 
>> baffled as I am on the sitution.... If you would be so kind as to 
>> make a tempurary workaround to allow java/diablo-jdk15 to install/run 
>> correctly then it would be possible to build a native VM and this 
>> would give various intrested parties time to figure out how to how to 
>> not rely on KSE.
> man libmap.conf

Sorry for taking a day to get back but unless I am confused it is 
already using compat libs thus should not have this issue (but it does):

flosoft# pwd && ldd ./java
./java: => /usr/local/lib/compat/ (0x80063b000) => /usr/local/lib/compat/ (0x80074f000) => /usr/local/lib/compat/ (0x80087a000)
flosoft# ls /usr/local/lib/compat/*
flosoft# ls /usr/local/lib/compat/*
flosoft# ls /usr/local/lib/compat/*

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