cvs commit: src/sys/netinet6 frag6.c icmp6.c in6.c in6_ifattach.c in6_pcb.c in6_proto.c in6_rmx.c in6_src.c ip6_input.c ip6_mroute.c ip6_output.c mld6.c nd6.c nd6_nbr.c nd6_rtr.c raw_ip6.c udp6_usrreq.c

Sam Leffler sam at
Wed Jan 9 12:42:21 PST 2008

Peter Jeremy wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 09, 2008 at 09:34:03AM -0800, Sam Leffler wrote:
>> I observe that netbsd does these sorts of changes in sweeps over the tree 
>> and w/ multiple people involved to review each other's work.  I'd be more 
>> confident if I saw commits like this include a "Reviewed by:" line.
> For this sort of commit, it should also be possible to check that you
> haven't broken anything by cmp(1)ing the .o files or manually preprocessing
> and diffing the preprocessed files.

For this specific case md5 checksums of the resulting .o files should 
work.  However some committers have a history of making changes like 
this that either break the build (w/o a quick followup to correct the 
problem) or introduce subtle issues that aren't found until much later.  
Hence my request (removed by obrien) that people do changes like this 
when they are actively working on a section of code.  Drive-by commits 
like this frequently do more harm than good.


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