cvs commit: src/sys/fs/coda cnode.h coda_subr.c coda_vnops.c
Alfred Perlstein
alfred at
Wed Feb 13 18:02:03 PST 2008
* Robert Watson <rwatson at> [080213 07:45] wrote:
> rwatson 2008-02-13 15:45:12 UTC
> FreeBSD src repository
> Modified files:
> sys/fs/coda cnode.h coda_subr.c coda_vnops.c
> Log:
> Since the Coda module is agressive about not keeping around
> unopened cnodes, the utility of the cache is somewhat limited for
> files, but works will for directories. We should make Coda less
> agressive about GCing cnodes in VOP_INACTIVE() in order to improve
> the effectiveness of in-kernel caching of attributes and access
> rights.
Move the GC to the VOP_RECLAIM VOP and you'll get what you want.
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