cvs commit: src/sys/amd64/amd64 busdma_machdep.c mem.c mp_watchdog.c pmap.c trap.c src/sys/amd64/conf GENERIC src/sys/amd64/isa isa_dma.c src/sys/arm/arm busdma_machdep.c mem.c pmap.c src/sys/arm/xscale/i80321 i80321_aau.c i80321_dma.c ...

Matthew Jacob mj at
Sun Apr 1 08:03:57 UTC 2007

On Sun, 1 Apr 2007, Christoph Mallon wrote:

> Kris Kennaway wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 01, 2007 at 12:10:03AM -0700, mjacob at wrote:
>>> eh? when I went to see what damage had been caused by this megachange I 
>>> found no trace of it at all. Is this an April Fools mail?
>> Hmm, I think I might have screwed something up :(  CVS meisters, please
>> help!
> Maybe his CVS mirror just hasn't caught up yet. (-:

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