cvs commit: src/sys/nfsclient nfs_nfsiod.c

Robert Watson rwatson at
Wed May 24 14:06:01 PDT 2006

rwatson     2006-05-24 21:04:47 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    sys/nfsclient        nfs_nfsiod.c 
  Adjust minimum iod threads from 4 to 0 -- since we compile the NFS
  client into the kernel by default, and many users won't use NFS,
  don't start an extra 4 kernel threads that are unused.  Once NFS
  becomes active, it will start nfsiod's as it needs them.
  We might consider mandating a minimum iod's equal to the number of
  active NFS mounts (truncated to some value), which would force some
  to remain available without having to create a new one if the file
  system is mostly inactive.
  PR:             70880
  MFC after:      2 weeks
  Prodded by:     cel
  Head nod:       peter
  Pointed out by: Joe <fbsd_user at a1poweruser dot com>
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.89      +1 -1      src/sys/nfsclient/nfs_nfsiod.c

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