cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/jail jail.8

Simon L. Nielsen simon at
Fri Mar 17 06:18:28 UTC 2006

On 2006.03.16 14:31:35 +0000, Jesus R. Camou wrote:
> jcamou      2006-03-16 14:31:35 UTC
>   FreeBSD src repository (doc committer)
>   Modified files:
>     usr.sbin/jail        jail.8 
>   Log:
>   Do `mount_devfs' when starting a jail.

That is a very bad idea without further explaining the risks, since it
will allow root in the jail more or less full access to the entire
system since several non-safe device node are exported like disk and
memory devices.  To mount a devfs safely inside devfs rules must be
set up.

Could you please add a big warning, or even better, the commads to
setup devfs rules for a jail /dev, like is done by the jail rc.d

See also

Simon L. Nielsen
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