cvs commit: src/sys/dev/iwi if_iwi.c if_iwireg.h if_iwivar.h

Damien Bergamini damien.bergamini at
Sun Sep 18 01:35:38 PDT 2005

| > No, you missed the point.  This is not a table of ieee80211_node's, but
| > just a table of the neighbours mac addresses.  Thus there is no problem
| > with reference counting, locking and such.
| > The iwi_find_txnode() function just looks for a mac address in the table
| > and returns its index (an entry is created if it was not already existing).
| Sorry, you're correct, these are mac addresses and not node references. 
|  But the suggestion still holds.  You've got a separate piece of 
| per-node  information that logically belongs in a driver-private area of 
| the node.  Having it there would eliminate the table lookup; you just 
| take the node pointer and deref to get the index.  The intent of 
| driver-private node storage is to eliminate add-on tables like this.

Yeah, I already used something similar in ral for per-node rate adaptation.
But I thought it would be an overkill here for such a simple task.
Moreover, I must maintain exactly the same table in h/w, so keeping the h/w
table in sync with net80211 nodes would be a nightmare.

| Note that when I MFC'd changes in this driver recently that I did not 
| MFC any of your WME mods.  My suggestion was that you not MFC _some_ of 
| the changes; not things like fixing hidden ap handling.  re is the final 
| arbiter of what can be MFC'd.

Looks like it's already too late for BETA5 anyway ...


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