cvs commit: src/sys/sys signalvar.h src/sys/kern kern_sig.c
David Xu
davidxu at
Sat Oct 22 21:12:27 PDT 2005
davidxu 2005-10-23 04:12:26 UTC
FreeBSD src repository
Modified files:
sys/sys signalvar.h
sys/kern kern_sig.c
1. Make ksiginfo_alloc and ksiginfo_free public.
2. Introduce flags KSI_EXT and KSI_INS. The flag KSI_EXT allows a ksiginfo
to be managed by outside code, the KSI_INS indicates sigqueue_add should
directly insert passed ksiginfo into queue other than copy it.
Revision Changes Path
1.308 +58 -12 src/sys/kern/kern_sig.c
1.71 +12 -1 src/sys/sys/signalvar.h
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