cvs commit: src/sys/dev/fxp if_fxp.c
Marcel Moolenaar
marcel at
Thu Nov 3 19:31:24 PST 2005
marcel 2005-11-04 03:31:23 UTC
FreeBSD src repository
Modified files: (Branch: RELENG_6)
sys/dev/fxp if_fxp.c
MFC rev. 1.246:
Fix an unaligned I/O memory access in the event that a SCB times out.
The FXP_SCR_FLOWCONTROL registers is at offset 0x19, but 2 bytes wide.
It cannot be read as a word without causing a panic on architectures
that enforce strict alignment.
Revision Changes Path +9 -3 src/sys/dev/fxp/if_fxp.c
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