cvs commit: src/sys/dev/ata ata-queue.c

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Tue May 17 06:04:35 PDT 2005

Dag-Erling Smørgrav <des at> wrote:

[CC list stripped]

> Alexander Leidinger <Alexander at> writes:
>> If you just want to test something and you don't know if you're shooting
>> into your foot or not, use the "classic" way of building the kernel
>> ("config KERNEL; cd ...; make depend;" ... dance) and use:
> There is no good reason to use what you call the classic way, and
> you're not doing anybody any favors by pretending there is.

What does the buildkernel way what the classic way doesn't do? Which item in
this list needs to be done to avoid some bad things to happen and which bad
things are we talking about?

If you just change one file and you want to recompile the kernel, which
procedure is faster?

Does the buildkernel way respect my value for CC?

>>    make install KODIR=/boot/testkernel
> cd /usr/src && make buildkernel && make installkernel KODIR=/boot/testkernel

I hadn't tested if this works. And I don't use the buildkernel way (since I
haven't seen an important technical reason to switch to it... but maybe I've
missed the good reason). So I've just reported a way of doing it which works
for me.


--  Alexander @ PGP ID = B0063FE7     netchild @  : PGP ID = 72077137
When you try to make an impression, the chances are that is the
impression you will make.

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