cvs commit: src/gnu/usr.bin/man/apropos src/sbin/dump dump.8 src/sbin/fsck_ffs fsck_ffs.8 src/sbin/geom/class/concat gconcat.8 src/sbin/geom/class/label glabel.8 src/sbin/geom/class/mirror gmirror.8 src/sbin/geom/class/nop ...

Ruslan Ermilov ru at
Sun Jul 3 01:02:36 GMT 2005

ru          2005-01-17 07:44:44 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:
    sbin/dump            dump.8 
    sbin/fsck_ffs        fsck_ffs.8 
    sbin/geom/class/concat gconcat.8 
    sbin/geom/class/label glabel.8 
    sbin/geom/class/mirror gmirror.8 
    sbin/geom/class/nop  gnop.8 
    sbin/geom/class/raid3 graid3.8 
    sbin/geom/class/shsec gshsec.8 
    sbin/geom/class/stripe gstripe.8 
    sbin/geom/core       geom.8 
    sbin/ggate/ggatec    ggatec.8 
    sbin/ggate/ggated    ggated.8 
    sbin/ggate/ggatel    ggatel.8 
    sbin/kldconfig       kldconfig.8 
    sbin/kldload         kldload.8 
    sbin/kldstat         kldstat.8 
    sbin/kldunload       kldunload.8 
    sbin/md5             md5.1 
    sbin/newfs_msdos     newfs_msdos.8 
    sbin/nfsiod          nfsiod.8 
    sbin/ping6           ping6.8 
    sbin/route           route.8 
    usr.bin/asa          asa.1 
    usr.bin/basename     basename.1 
    usr.bin/biff         biff.1 
    usr.bin/bluetooth/bthost bthost.1 
    usr.bin/bluetooth/btsockstat btsockstat.1 
    usr.bin/bluetooth/rfcomm_sppd rfcomm_sppd.1 
    usr.bin/brandelf     brandelf.1 
    usr.bin/cap_mkdb     cap_mkdb.1 
    usr.bin/catman       catman.1 
    usr.bin/cksum        cksum.1 
    usr.bin/col          col.1 
    usr.bin/colcrt       colcrt.1 
    usr.bin/colldef      colldef.1 
    usr.bin/colrm        colrm.1 
    usr.bin/column       column.1 
    usr.bin/comm         comm.1 
    usr.bin/compress     compress.1 
    usr.bin/csplit       csplit.1 
    usr.bin/ctags        ctags.1 
    usr.bin/cut          cut.1 
    usr.bin/elfdump      elfdump.1 
    usr.bin/env          env.1 
    usr.bin/expand       expand.1 
    usr.bin/fetch        fetch.1 
    usr.bin/gencat       gencat.1 
    usr.bin/getconf      getconf.1 
    usr.bin/getopt       getopt.1 
    usr.bin/head         head.1 
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    usr.bin/join         join.1 
    usr.bin/jot          jot.1 
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    usr.bin/logger       logger.1 
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    usr.bin/makewhatis   makewhatis.1 
    usr.bin/mesg         mesg.1 
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    usr.bin/mkuzip       mkuzip.8 
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    usr.bin/nl           nl.1 
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    usr.bin/tar          bsdtar.1 
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    usr.bin/time         time.1 
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    usr.bin/tr           tr.1 
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    usr.bin/uname        uname.1 
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    usr.bin/wc           wc.1 
    usr.bin/what         what.1 
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    usr.bin/xargs        xargs.1 
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    usr.sbin/ac          ac.8 
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    usr.sbin/bluetooth/sdpcontrol sdpcontrol.8 
    usr.sbin/boot0cfg    boot0cfg.8 
    usr.sbin/boot98cfg   boot98cfg.8 
    usr.sbin/btxld       btxld.8 
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    usr.sbin/chown       chgrp.1 chown.8 
    usr.sbin/ckdist      ckdist.1 
    usr.sbin/ctm/ctm_rmail ctm_rmail.1 
    usr.sbin/daemon      daemon.8 
    usr.sbin/faithd      faithd.8 
    usr.sbin/fdread      fdread.1 
    usr.sbin/flowctl     flowctl.8 
    usr.sbin/gstat       gstat.8 
    usr.sbin/i4b/isdnd   isdnd.8 
    usr.sbin/i4b/isdnmonitor isdnmonitor.8 
    usr.sbin/ip6addrctl  ip6addrctl.8 
    usr.sbin/kgzip       kgzip.8 
    usr.sbin/mergemaster mergemaster.8 
    usr.sbin/mtree       mtree.8 
    usr.sbin/ndp         ndp.8 
    usr.sbin/nfsd        nfsd.8 
    usr.sbin/ngctl       ngctl.8 
    usr.sbin/pcvt/ispcvt ispcvt.8 
    usr.sbin/periodic    periodic.8 
    usr.sbin/pkg_install/sign pkg_sign.1 
    usr.sbin/pw          pw.8 
    usr.sbin/rtprio      rtprio.1 
    usr.sbin/sa          sa.8 
    usr.sbin/setkey      setkey.8 
    usr.sbin/smbmsg      smbmsg.8 
  Added the EXIT STATUS section where appropriate.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.13      +1 -1      src/gnu/usr.bin/man/apropos/
  1.67      +1 -1      src/sbin/dump/dump.8
  1.32      +2 -2      src/sbin/fsck_ffs/fsck_ffs.8
  1.14      +1 -1      src/sbin/geom/class/concat/gconcat.8
  1.9       +1 -1      src/sbin/geom/class/label/glabel.8
  1.10      +1 -1      src/sbin/geom/class/mirror/gmirror.8
  1.15      +1 -1      src/sbin/geom/class/nop/gnop.8
  1.13      +1 -1      src/sbin/geom/class/raid3/graid3.8
  1.3       +1 -1      src/sbin/geom/class/shsec/gshsec.8
  1.21      +1 -1      src/sbin/geom/class/stripe/gstripe.8
  1.10      +1 -1      src/sbin/geom/core/geom.8
  1.4       +1 -1      src/sbin/ggate/ggatec/ggatec.8
  1.3       +1 -1      src/sbin/ggate/ggated/ggated.8
  1.4       +1 -1      src/sbin/ggate/ggatel/ggatel.8
  1.6       +2 -5      src/sbin/kldconfig/kldconfig.8
  1.22      +1 -1      src/sbin/kldload/kldload.8
  1.12      +2 -5      src/sbin/kldstat/kldstat.8
  1.15      +2 -5      src/sbin/kldunload/kldunload.8
  1.23      +1 -1      src/sbin/md5/md5.1
  1.18      +1 -1      src/sbin/newfs_msdos/newfs_msdos.8
  1.19      +1 -1      src/sbin/nfsiod/nfsiod.8
  1.21      +1 -1      src/sbin/ping6/ping6.8
  1.42      +1 -1      src/sbin/route/route.8
  1.4       +1 -1      src/usr.bin/asa/asa.1
  1.15      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/basename/basename.1
  1.20      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/biff/biff.1
  1.3       +1 -1      src/usr.bin/bluetooth/bthost/bthost.1
  1.7       +1 -1      src/usr.bin/bluetooth/btsockstat/btsockstat.1
  1.6       +1 -1      src/usr.bin/bluetooth/rfcomm_sppd/rfcomm_sppd.1
  1.15      +2 -2      src/usr.bin/brandelf/brandelf.1
  1.13      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/cap_mkdb/cap_mkdb.1
  1.5       +1 -1      src/usr.bin/catman/catman.1
  1.19      +2 -2      src/usr.bin/cksum/cksum.1
  1.18      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/col/col.1
  1.14      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/colcrt/colcrt.1
  1.22      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/colldef/colldef.1
  1.11      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/colrm/colrm.1
  1.13      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/column/column.1
  1.13      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/comm/comm.1
  1.20      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/compress/compress.1
  1.9       +1 -1      src/usr.bin/csplit/csplit.1
  1.17      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/ctags/ctags.1
  1.30      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/cut/cut.1
  1.5       +1 -1      src/usr.bin/elfdump/elfdump.1
  1.5       +1 -1      src/usr.bin/env/env.1
  1.14      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/expand/expand.1
  1.64      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/fetch/fetch.1
  1.12      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/gencat/gencat.1
  1.13      +2 -1      src/usr.bin/getconf/getconf.1
  1.21      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/getopt/getopt.1
  1.13      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/head/head.1
  1.22      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/hexdump/hexdump.1
  1.19      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/hexdump/od.1
  1.9       +2 -2      src/usr.bin/id/groups.1
  1.14      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/id/id.1
  1.9       +2 -2      src/usr.bin/id/whoami.1
  1.18      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/join/join.1
  1.16      +2 -1      src/usr.bin/jot/jot.1
  1.34      +2 -2      src/usr.bin/killall/killall.1
  1.29      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/limits/limits.1
  1.6       +1 -1      src/usr.bin/locale/locale.1
  1.14      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/lockf/lockf.1
  1.16      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/logger/logger.1
  1.9       +2 -2      src/usr.bin/logname/logname.1
  1.17      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/look/look.1
  1.27      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/m4/m4.1
  1.4       +1 -1      src/usr.bin/makewhatis/makewhatis.1
  1.12      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/mesg/mesg.1
  1.13      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/mkfifo/mkfifo.1
  1.19      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/mktemp/mktemp.1
  1.4       +1 -1      src/usr.bin/mkuzip/mkuzip.8
  1.3       +1 -1      src/usr.bin/newgrp/newgrp.1
  1.25      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/nice/nice.1
  1.15      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/nl/nl.1
  1.13      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/nohup/nohup.1
  1.18      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/paste/paste.1
  1.4       +1 -1      src/usr.bin/pathchk/pathchk.1
  1.21      +2 -2      src/usr.bin/pr/pr.1
  1.19      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/printenv/printenv.1
  1.31      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/printf/printf.1
  1.40      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/sed/sed.1
  1.15      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/split/split.1
  1.7       +1 -1      src/usr.bin/tabs/tabs.1
  1.12      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/tail/tail.1
  1.22      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/tar/bsdtar.1
  1.7       +2 -2      src/usr.bin/tee/tee.1
  1.24      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/time/time.1
  1.12      +2 -2      src/usr.bin/touch/touch.1
  1.16      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/tput/tput.1
  1.31      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/tr/tr.1
  1.12      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/truncate/truncate.1
  1.12      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/uac/uac.1
  1.16      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/ul/ul.1
  1.17      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/uname/uname.1
  1.21      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/unifdef/unifdef.1
  1.19      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/uniq/uniq.1
  1.6       +1 -1      src/usr.bin/uuidgen/uuidgen.1
  1.19      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/wc/wc.1
  1.17      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/what/what.1
  1.17      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/who/who.1
  1.33      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/xargs/xargs.1
  1.30      +1 -1      src/usr.bin/xinstall/install.1
  1.20      +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/ac/ac.8
  1.6       +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/bcmfw/bcmfw.8
  1.6       +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/bt3cfw/bt3cfw.8
  1.2       +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/bthidcontrol/bthidcontrol.8
  1.7       +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/hccontrol/hccontrol.8
  1.6       +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/l2control/l2control.8
  1.9       +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/l2ping/l2ping.8
  1.9       +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/rfcomm_pppd/rfcomm_pppd.8
  1.5       +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/bluetooth/sdpcontrol/sdpcontrol.8
  1.27      +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/boot0cfg/boot0cfg.8
  1.11      +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/boot98cfg/boot98cfg.8
  1.6       +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/btxld/btxld.8
  1.13      +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/chkgrp/chkgrp.8
  1.17      +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/chown/chgrp.1
  1.24      +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/chown/chown.8
  1.9       +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/ckdist/ckdist.1
  1.30      +2 -2      src/usr.sbin/ctm/ctm_rmail/ctm_rmail.1
  1.6       +2 -1      src/usr.sbin/daemon/daemon.8
  1.19      +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/faithd/faithd.8
  1.7       +2 -2      src/usr.sbin/fdread/fdread.1
  1.2       +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/flowctl/flowctl.8
  1.6       +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/gstat/gstat.8
  1.22      +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/i4b/isdnd/isdnd.8
  1.18      +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/i4b/isdnmonitor/isdnmonitor.8
  1.3       +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/ip6addrctl/ip6addrctl.8
  1.9       +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/kgzip/kgzip.8
  1.30      +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/mergemaster/mergemaster.8
  1.48      +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/mtree/mtree.8
  1.14      +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/ndp/ndp.8
  1.24      +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/nfsd/nfsd.8
  1.16      +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/ngctl/ngctl.8
  1.17      +2 -2      src/usr.sbin/pcvt/ispcvt/ispcvt.8
  1.29      +3 -2      src/usr.sbin/periodic/periodic.8
  1.8       +2 -1      src/usr.sbin/pkg_install/sign/pkg_sign.1
  1.36      +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/pw/pw.8
  1.28      +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/rtprio/rtprio.1
  1.17      +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/sa/sa.8
  1.33      +1 -1      src/usr.sbin/setkey/setkey.8
  1.3       +2 -1      src/usr.sbin/smbmsg/smbmsg.8

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