cvs commit: src/share/man/man9 style.9

Paul Richards paul at
Fri Jan 7 03:13:16 PST 2005

On Thu, Jan 06, 2005 at 12:20:59PM -0700, Warner Losh wrote:
> I've actually given the matter a lot of thought, and simpler
> definitely is better here.  There are too many different kinds of
> licenses in the tree (hundreds of variations to the standard BSD
> license, the mit license, and all the my little pony licenses that
> likely will be headache for us one day) to do anything other than
> <license> </license>, which is what the - tag does for us
> unobtrusively.

Yeah, that's what I'd have assumed for the license but there are
probably other things that could be marked up for processing as
well. I think Doug's been using Doxygen in some places in the tree.

> Having said that, if you are willing to step to the plate and do the
> work necessary to make a more complex scheme work, be my guest.  I'm
> not presently planning on doing that.

I don't mind doing some work in this area. My choice would be to
use XML though since that's an universal technology that we're
beginning to use in lots of other places as well, so to me it would
make sense to keep to the one technology.

Paul Richards

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