cvs commit: src/sys/dev/nve if_nve.c

Bjoern A. Zeeb bz at
Sun Dec 25 13:57:04 PST 2005

bz          2005-12-25 21:57:03 UTC

  FreeBSD src repository

  Modified files:        (Branch: RELENG_6)
    sys/dev/nve          if_nve.c 
  MFC rev. 1.20
  Make nve(4) work for people with nf3/nf4 who never got it
  working at all and only saw "nve0: device timeout (N)" messages.
  - Setup PHY before handing control to NVidia API setting
    speed, duplex, enabling interrupts, etc.
  - Add restriction of MAXADDR_32BIT for high address to contigmalloc
    to make the driver work on machines with 4+GB of memory.
  Revision  Changes    Path   +3 -2      src/sys/dev/nve/if_nve.c

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