cvs commit: src/usr.sbin/moused moused.8 moused.c
Philip Paeps
philip at
Sun Dec 4 00:48:34 GMT 2005
philip 2005-12-04 00:48:33 UTC
FreeBSD src repository
Modified files: (Branch: RELENG_6)
usr.sbin/moused moused.8 moused.c
MFC: moused.c r1.71 and r1.74
moused.8 r1.54 to r1.57
moused.c r1.71:
Add a -H option to enable horizontal virtual scrolling, much like -V for
vertical virtual scrolling. This also respects -U for the distance.
moused.c 1.74:
Add an option to stop 'mouse drift' in some defective/cheap mice. This
stops the pointer slowly wandering away on its own in an annoying way when
the mouse isn't physically moved.
Documentation of above and ru's mdoc magic.
Procrastinator of the year: philip
Revision Changes Path +25 -1 src/usr.sbin/moused/moused.8 +114 -19 src/usr.sbin/moused/moused.c
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