cvs commit: src/lib/libutil Makefile libutil.h pidfile.3 pidfile.c

Robert Watson rwatson at
Thu Aug 25 16:12:06 GMT 2005

On Thu, 25 Aug 2005, John-Mark Gurney wrote:

>> Something I'd very much like to see is for daemon pid files to start 
>> being placed in /var/run/<daemon>/<daemon>.pid, as opposed to directly 
>> in /var/run.  This will allow us to set specific ownership on the 
>> parent directory for a pid file, so that privilege is not required to 
>> write out a pid file in a safe place.
> why not add an rc.subr option to precreate the file with the correct 
> user?  I was running up conserver, and I decided to run it as a seperate 
> user, and since I created it as owned by the conserver user, conserver 
> just opened and wrote to the file..

We already actually run bind with a pid file in /var/run/named.  I'm not 
sure we need a whole lot of magic, other than having mtree create the 
directories for base system components, and packages/ports create them for 
third party components.

Robert N M Watson

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