cvs commit: src/etc/rc.d cleanvar
Christian S.J. Peron
csjp at
Sat Apr 30 18:28:58 PDT 2005
csjp 2005-05-01 01:28:57 UTC
FreeBSD src repository
Modified files: (Branch: RELENG_5)
etc/rc.d cleanvar
MFC revision 1.8
date: 2005/04/14 03:56:06; author: csjp; state: Exp; lines: +2 -0
Do not remove logging sockets. This fixes an issue where logging
sockets placed into prisons from the host environment get clobbered
by the prison's instance of cleanvar. (assuming /etc/rc is run in
the prison).
Revision Changes Path +2 -0 src/etc/rc.d/cleanvar
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