cvs commit: src/sys/dev/sound/usb uaudio.c uaudio.h uaudio_pcm.c
Julian Elischer
julian at
Wed Apr 27 14:24:28 PDT 2005
Mathew Kanner wrote:
>On Apr 27, Julian Elischer wrote:
>>only got your email after doing the commit..
>>As I said inthe other email..
>>I think dfferently.
>>We can put it in either place (or both), but I think it's much more
>>useful here.
> Let's keep it here until I commit the version that does it in
>boot verbose (it's much shorter than what I remeber the PR having) The
>information will appear under boot_veborbose for that 1 time in 1000
>that you want more information about your USB device. If people
>complain, I'll put this back. Hope this is ok for you.
Well in dmesg is better than never, but you can't get to the information
without rebooting
if it's under verbose (because most people don't boot verbose).
In sndstat it's there whenever you ask for it.
> --Mat
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