cvs commit: src/share/man/man4 Makefile ipw.4 iwi.4 ral.4 ural.4 src/sys/conf files src/sys/dev/ipw if_ipw.c if_ipwreg.h if_ipwvar.h src/sys/dev/iwi if_iwi.c if_iwireg.h if_iwivar.h src/sys/dev/pccard pccarddevs src/sys/dev/ral if_ral.c ...

Ian Dowse iedowse at
Mon Apr 18 18:29:53 PDT 2005

In message <200504181847.j3IIlcjh018258 at>, Damien Bergamini 
>  Initial import of ipw, iwi, ral and ural drivers:

Woohoo, finally! I've been using the ipw driver for a few months
now and it's been working really well. I get the occasional "ipw0:
fatal error" that requires an ifconfig down/up to fix, but it's
probably still the most reliable FreeBSD wireless driver that I've
used yet.

I presume it's still necessary for people to download the firmware
and ipwcontrol ultility to use the driver?

Anyway, thanks for the great work!


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