cvs commit: src/share/mk
David O'Brien
obrien at
Tue Oct 26 10:56:42 PDT 2004
On Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 10:44:03AM +0200, Dag-Erling Sm?rgrav wrote:
> "David O'Brien" <obrien at> writes:
> > The way you've attached my name to this sounds like I am leading the
> > charge to do this in userland. I'm not. I simply said if you're so
> > confident that our userland is OK with -O2 that you should switch our
> > defaults to it.[*] OR stop being semi-obnoxious using uses secret CFLAGS
> > on the tinderboxes and then complaining about anyone who commits code
> > that doesn't compile only with those flags.
> There is nothing secret about the tinderbox. The scripts and
> configuration files it uses are in CVS (src/tools/tools/tinderbox),
> and complete logs are available online.
I wonder what would have happened if I or someone would have made a
commit to the scripts to use -O rather than the unsupported [at the time]
> Finally, please stop pulling the "toolchain maintainer" card every
> time something like this comes up. AFAIR, you resigned from that post
> (and made a loud and public fuss about it) a long time ago.
I'm still a FSF GNU committer, I just got tired of doing imports into
FreeBSD. I am still the FreeBSD Binutils maintainer (both in and out of
tree). That said, where did I 'pull the "toolchain maintainer" card' in
this thread.
Oh, in the private message where you told me I've been alseep and that
RE@ has been building releases with -O2 for a quite a while now? I
pulled the "I'm the one that made the first Makefile commit to use -O2 in
amd64 kernels card so I know something about its first use in the tree
-- David (obrien at
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