What we keep under /etc

Ryan Sommers ryans at gamersimpact.com
Sat Oct 9 12:34:23 PDT 2004

Valentin Nechayev wrote:

> Are you serious? Well, let's make local modifications in
>/usr/src/etc/master.passwd, or what's the *real* difference between its
>and /etc/rc.d/*?
Umm... Read the discussion again. The topic isn't /ALL/ of /etc just 
those directories that are considered part of the OS like /etc/rc.d and 
/etc/defaults. The difference is rc.d contains only the startup scripts 
for the operating system. All others /should/ be in /usr/local/etc/rc.d.

As for the comment about many different machines using the same source 
tree. Those modifications, as it is my understanding, should be in 
/usr/local/etc/rc.d not in /etc/rc.d. That's what the whole /usr/local 
is there for is it not? If you need to disable the scripts in /etc/rc.d 
with their respective rc.conf values and then roll your changes in 
/usr/local/etc/rc.d. Or am I missing something there?

Ryan Sommers
ryans at gamersimpact.com

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